I've been swamped with requests to open space since my training last spring
- our organization is embracing the method as a better way to work together.
(Unfortunately, my other work has kinda slid to the back burner.)  I'm so
passionate for opening space that I want to spread it around the
organization more than one person can possibly do alone.  The health care
climate in Canada is in a sad state - chronically underfunded, demoralized
and in the midst of a major staffing crisis.  Hence, there are huge
challenges with both trying to get groups of people together in open space
for a satisfying amount of time and with funding the process.

Long story short, our organization is desperate for more trained internal
facilitators.  We've considered bringing in an external expert to train
facilitators, but the costs are prohibitive.  Despite some trepidation, I
have offered to lead a training session as long as everyone clearly
understands that I've only been doing the method for a few months (albeit,
about one OS per week since that time), so am clearly not a seasoned
"expert", but rather a learner in the process.  Since we are trying to grow
a learning organization in Capital Health Region, this seems to be a good

I've used my training with Harrison as a basic template, but then
synthesized the Moscow Training with it to build a training specific to the
realities of our work environment.  Since I don't want to be considered the
expert, I've eliminated almost all of the "talking head" stuff and decided
the best way to learn is to experience and have the opportunity to discuss.
All the trainees have participated in at least one Open Space and all have
been provided with Open Space Technology - A User's Guide and will be
expected to have read it.

On the first evening we'll briefly visit some of the theoretical framework
around which Open Space evolved and then the rest of the sessions (3 days)
will be in held in open space.   For the first two days, we'll open space on
the theme of using OST to transform our organizational culture (or some such
thing - I'll give the group the opportunity to decide on a theme).  We'll
have convergence the second afternoon.  That evening (we'll be going from
0900-2100), we'll open space on the role of the facilitator.  I plan to
divide the large group (30) into two smaller sessions.  I have recruited
some other OST aficianados to be the invisible resource for those groups.
The smaller groups will divide into really small groups (5) in order that
everyone who chooses to can walk through the process.    Each small group
will critique and support the skills of those within their group.  We'll
have convergence the next morning and then spend some time on nuts and bolts
as well as the practical logistics of setting up OST sessions in our
organization (where to book space, computers, flip charts, felts, etc, the
importance of offering food, etc, etc).

The intent of this training is partly to learn the method, but largely to
build an internal supportive community of OST facilitators who will continue
to learn from one another long after the training is over.  We intend to
meet monthly to share stories about opening space and to learn from each
others' successes and mistakes - sort of a mutual mentoring arrangement.
We're hoping to get something set up on our intranet for ongoing
interaction.  I guess the main thing I've learned since doing the training
with you spring is that opening space is truly a learning journey, that
every session is unique and that in every session I WILL screw up in some
way and learn something!!!!

I'd like to thank Harrison for his amazing generosity in allowing me to
plagiarize shamelessly from the training manual.  I'd also like to invite
any suggestions from others in the group who might be able to offer me some

I have a very passionate group who are keen to get on with transforming our
organization of about 10,000 employees spread over 30 sites.  The training
takes place next week - wish us luck!!


Laurel Doersam
Human Resource Consultant (Employee Wellness)
Capital Health Region
Victoria  BC

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