
Have I told you recently (like in the last two days?) how charged up and
excited I am for all the work you are doing?

The training program sounds dynamite.  I continue to watch you from this
side of the water with admiration for your enthusiasm for the process.
I have two big open space meetings coming up this week, and your energy
is giving me the lift I need to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

By the way, both of these upcoming OS meetings are mentoring
opportunities for two associates of mine.  I think I spooked them when I
told them to read all the stories on my website and then go into the
woods for a couple of hours before the meeting and find a quiet place
within themselves.  Because, as you know, when everything in your body
is screaming at you to STOP! you need that quiet place to help trust the

So two offers: I'll call you in ten days or so to tell you how the
mentoring went, and what kinds of things you should be aware of, based
on my own experirience.  Also, I would offer my stories to you for use
in your training program.  They are on my website at

THe stories were all written to be shared with OSLIST and document my
own experiences with the process from the facilitator's point of view.
They were also written with an eye to giving new OS facilitators a
glimpse of what it is like to run an OS meeting.  Feel free to direct
your folks to the site to read up on the stories, if you think that
would be a valuable thing to do.  One advantage with these stories over
others on thw Web is that they all happened in BC, so there's a lot of
local content.

Best of luck with everything, and call anytime if you want to kick
anything around, bounce idea off me, or if you need a shoulder to cry
on...based on my upcoming week the later may have me blubering on the
phone to you!!

I'm kidding.....I have lots of confidence in both of where
did I put that quiet space at the core of my soul??  It's around here


Consultation - Facilitation
Open Space Technology

108-1035 Pacific Street
Vancouver BC
V6E 4G7

Phone: 604.683.3080
Fax: 604.683.3036

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