Hi all

I have had quite a number of great emails from OSLIST friends who are
passing through London before or after OSonOS in Berlin.......   We welcome
you all to say 'hello'.

more than that.... we have another treat for you.......... (and for anyone
else who is already in the UK).

not only will we have our special millennium Open Space workshop with
Harrison and Birgitt........on 25th to 27th October....

but also..... we will be having a Tasty Tasting day on 31st October - from
12 noon to 9pm (or later if our experience of last time is anything to go

Starting with a book launch for Harrison's new present to us all (ie. The
Power of Spirit......), we have expanded the day into a wonderful array of
tastings - of Open Space and more.

Within the theme of "Liberating the Human Spirit in a Transforming World",
we shall have:

**  thoughts from Harrison and his new writing
**  time in Open Space addressing critical issues facing us and
organisations today (including those mentioned in another new book to be
launched at the event - "Global Forces - an Enlightened Leaders Guide", by
Bruce Nixon).
** a chance to hear from a range of folks who have experience in opening
the space in a variety of contexts in the UK
** a taste of TeamEverest - a remarkable new experience that uses the
latest interactive multimedia to help participants to shape a new story for
their organisation, including experiencing issues of power, diversity,
cooperation and team challenges in a new light.  Using TeamEverest to bring
heart and spirit into the workplace, your guides for this expedition will
be Glory Ressler and Mark Jenkins from Canada.
** a high impact taster of The Innovation Rollercoaster, which emerses
people in next-practice for creating a work environment that fosters
genuine innovation and entrepreneurship.  Your guide for this adventure
will be Martin Leith.

Yours truly (ie. Romy Shovelton) will be making sure you get the chance to
taste whatever takes your fancy.  Oh and by the way, the venue is the
wonderful huge bookshop that Waterstones has established in the famous old
Simpsons of Piccadilly building (right by Piccadilly Circus) - itself a
feast for the tasting - from books, to music, to yummy food.

so..... tempted yet?

see you there?

let us know if we can look forward to welcoming you.

happy closing days of summer or winter - depending on your planetary


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