Chris, this is the same response that my daughter (who is 17) gave.  Just so
you have an understanding of her she does a lot of work at school with Peer
Support and victim interventions.  Her thoughts were very similar to
Harrison's, she believes that people who have been victimized also have a
sense of empathy and would not ridicule others that have experience so
degree of victimization. She also felt that if the invitation was right and
the environment safe people would respond with a true sense of wanting to
understand and help, not worsen the situation.  Also she felt that if there
was and issue individuals would self organize and look for the support they
may feel they need.

Hope this helps in some way. Have a wonderful session!

-----Original Message-----
From: Harrison Owen []
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: Client Curveball No. 321 -- how would you do it?

At 12:21 PM 9/8/00 -0700, you wrote:

>Now they are in the process of planning for youth services, and they
>have contacted me to use OS.  The idea is to hold a couple of OS
>meetings in the province to bring youth (13-19 or thereabouts) together
>to get from them a sense of their needs in the victim services field.
>We still need to identify who will be invited and why and what they will
>be asked about, but a tricky question has come up, and I'm suffering
>from a bout of either/or paralysis.
>So?  Whaddya think?

My inclination would be to invite anybody who cares and forget questions
(yours) about gender, sexual preference etc. With a totally mixed group
you/they would get a marvelous view of what is really going on -- and I
have to believe that the participants would learn an enormous amount from
each other. But if you go for the "whole enchillada" -- it is absolutely
critical that the invitation be a real one (which means that folks truly
understand what is going to happen AND they have the freedom to turn it
down) --  Law of Two Feet writ LARGE. The issue is an ethical one. If
folks, of their own free will choose to engage what should be a powerful,
useful and (for some) healing conversation -- they must do it voluntarily
and with as full fore-knowledge as you can manage.

Useful alternatives are to convene separate OS for each of the several
groups -- the three "Gs" (Guys, Gals, Gays). Actually that might be worth
doing in and of itself. I can imagine young ladies finding great meaning
and healing in the opportunity to talk openly and honestly with peers. Rape
is such a lonely-making happening. Nobody else could possibly understand...
And the same might be true of the Gays/Lesbians.All this might turn into
some very substantial support groups. Of course, the Guys are so macho they
do not need support.

And of course, you could do all of the above -- just because you don't have
anything else to do.


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, MD 20854 USA
phone 301-469-9269
fax 301-983-9314
Summer Phone 207-763-3261
Summer Address
189 Beaucaire Ave.
Camden, ME 04843
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