Hi Chris,
thank you for your comments and for raising questions that I think we all
wrestle with and don't know how to answer. Answering ethical questions
depends on each individual, personal values, and wisdom. And like you, every
time I feel I have attained a certain amount of wisdom, I go back again to
feeling like an infant, realizing how much I have yet to learn, always the
sense of death/rebirth like in the sweatlodge.

Here are my current thoughts about some of what you have raised and I look
forward to the conversation that will unfold about this.

In North America ( I don't know the statistics for the rest of the world),
we can assume that for every ten people we have in a group, at least 5 will
have had some experience as a victim of violence of some sort (this of
course is dependent on the demographics). We are not responsible for their
life story or their healing. However, it is helpful to remember that there
are very rich lives amongst the group--rich in joy and rich in pain. The
full spectrum of the human experience.

It is safer for everyone to use tried and true presentation/facilitation
tools and techniques that do not go deeply into the person. The ethical
dilemma you raise wouldn't be much of a dilemma because the person would not
have to show up and be really present but could simply "yawn" in the back of
the room and write a grocery list instead of paying attention. However, by
using methods that don't go deeply, it is very difficult to reach real
solutions, real creativity, real healing and learning.

Some of us (probably most of us who are attracted to Open Space Technology
and choose to use it, most of us on this list serve)don't want to work that
way. We want to provide the nutrient conditions for the group to use its
wisdom, its fullness to find its solutions and creativity. And if learning
and healing also happen that is good too. And when we choose to work with
deep work we need to be aware that people might go deeply into their
solutions and creativity, and also deeply into things within themselves that
hurt a lot, that have remained hidden within them because they are too
painful to bring up to the conscious level. As facilitators of processes
that go deeply, we "open space" for whatever happens, whatever is
needed--and this is not just about the lighter happier side. You yourself
have noted that often you have a person in tears (tears of healing I think)
even in the closing circle. I think this is a frequent frequent experience.
It is certainly my experience. I remember my friend Barry Owen once working
with me for almost two weeks and asking me "how do you feel about leaving a
trail behind you of people in tears?". It is my experience whenever I
facilitate an Open Space Technology meeting and whenever I do a training of
facilitators. The most common comments I hear are "this is the first time
that I feel heard and understood in my whole life" "this is the first time
in a work setting that I have been able to be my whole self and I realize
that I can't work anymore without bringing my whole self to work, even if I
get fired". As a facilitator and trainer, when I first experienced this
phenomenon, I started to look for it, to see what it was about and it took
me through years of work which for me concluded in the development of the
Genuine Contact Program which I now devote my career to. Assisting people
with processes to make Genuine Contact. Even if painful. I have included a
description of the Genuine Contact Program below my signature for any of you
who might be interested to know what I believe and work with/from along with
my partner Ward and others who are joining us.

My really examined my responsibility as a facilitator. Where does it begin
and end if I am simply doing an Open Space Technology meeting and I am not
engaged as a consultant by the organization for real change work except for

As you know, because you have taken training with me, I am a strong advocate
of a pre-planning meeting and a debriefing meeting for all Open Space
Technology meetings that I facilitate. In the premeeting, we look at what is
expected to happen after the meeting, in the organization, or amongst the
participants, into the future. With a situation such as the OST for victims
of violence, this would give the opportunity to raise the questions "what
about the grief work that will emerge in the future AS A RESULT OF THE
MEETING? even if the closing circle is happy and warm. In the pre-meeting, I
discuss the grief cycle and that the meeting might in fact be the event that
initiates grief cycle work (I have written about this to the list before).
And then I would explore with the sponsor group how it will handle this into
the future, what responsibility it will take, what follow up action and
supports. In the case where we know from the beginning that the participants
are victims of violence, I would draw a diagram of the grief cycle and ask
the sponsor group where on the grief cycle they think participants would
most likely be. The answer will give you phenomenal information as to what
to do next. If the diagram shows that most participants are likely to be in
Shock/anger/denial, the question is raised about the scope of the Open Space
Technology meeting in question. And the question is raised about whether it
is appropriate to do a meeting, Open Space Technology or any other kind at
this time. If it were me, I would suggest that because of what I see about
grief cycle, I would not recommend an OST meeting to ask anything at all
about what there needs are and how the agency can support them. That is far
too exposing and too personal. And by doing a meeting, is the sponsor
meeting the participants needs or is it meeting its own needs as an agency
to get data for a needs assesment???? What is the intention here really?
Whose priority are they serving? And this is not about judgement, but about
discernment, integrity, and truth. If the agency (sponsor) is really trying
to get an idea of the best programs to run, the meeting could be possible
but the scope of the meeting would be different. The theme could be "issues
and opportunities for developing the best possible services for victims of
violence through our agency" and the invitation could go to all
"stakeholders" in the agency which of course includes victims of violence.
The invitation could note which groupings that the invitation is going to,
what the intention of the meeting is, and could note that there could be
pain filled moments if and when any personal stories of violence are shared.
The reminder here that the Law of Two Feet applies. And the invitation
should state the "givens" including what will happen to the information from
the meeting, who will see the reports etc." I also always make it clear to
the sponsor group and want them to make it clear in the invitation that
confidentiality of the discussions cannot be guaranteed (this was after a
difficult learning experience for me).It will take hard work to establish
the "givens" and then to figure out how to get things communicated in the
invitation so they can be understood. I would include an attachment in the
invitation that describes the Open Space Technology meeting so that all
participants can see what the process might look like. In the pre-meeting
with the sponsor, in a situation such as yours, I would expect the sponsor
to come up with a plan for 24 hour crisis support so that if participants
have the need, in the months following the meeting, they know support is
there for them. I would find a way to say this in the invitation, probably
through giving an example/story and then say it in the opening again.

This is how I would see my responsibility as a facilitator. I want to
achieve informed consent to the best of my ability, with the sponsor and
with the participants. I share what I know about Open Space Technology and
the depths to which it works, and about the grief cycle. And receive a
commitment of what the sponsor will have in place after the fact, into the
future. And I would satisfy myself through this that I have done my job as a

And of course, I would have a debrief meeting with the sponsor, who cannot
really get the fullness of the Open Space Technology meeting until having
participated in it. And I would see that as the end of my responsibility. I
cannot "control" the outcomes. I can prepare the best situation that I know
how. And then trust.

That is the way I work at present. It may and likely will change as I learn
and grow but it is the best that I know how to do for now and I feel good
about it from a heart/soul and ethical perspective.

I hope this helps with your own thinking.

info about Genuine Contact follows (it is about 7 pages long):

Results beyond your expectations through the Genuine Contact Program

Dalar International offers you the opportunity to achieve organizational
results beyond your expectations. We offer you the opportunity to lead
organizations  knowing that God (Spirit, Creator, Goddess, Universe) matters
and that people are precious, and while having this knowledge achieving your
desired bottom line.

We offer you a program that will draw out the wisdom that exists amongst the
people in your organization to achieve success. We offer you a program that
uncovers for you an interconnected learning organization able to achieve,
sustain, and renew a healthy, effective organization. We offer you a program
that fosters genuine contact within your organization to access the full
potential of your organization.

We focus on uncovering key ingredients from which an organization determines
what will work for its own unique culture. These ingredients come together
as an organizational operating system from which you determine what is right
for your organization. Similar to what an operating system of a computer
does for making the most of the computer, the operating system for the
organization developed through the Genuine Contact( Program enables the
organization to make the most of its potential. We offer an operating system
that is duplicable and self-replicating throughout the organization and it
can be customized to suit your specific situation.

What your Organization will Achieve through the Genuine Contact ( Program

Through working with the Genuine Contact ( Program, you will achieve an
effective and quick means to access the issues that need to be addressed in
your organization; and the solutions that need to be implemented from the
collective genius of the human resources of your organization. The Genuine
Contact ( Program fosters a solution focused organization, achieving results
that surpass expectations, while attending to the provision of a nutrient
environment for the human spirit to flourish, to fulfill its potential, and
to tap into its creativity.  Solutions that come from the collective genius
and passion of the human resources of the organization do achieve
implementation and follow up. And for you, if you work with the Genuine
Contact ( Program, this means leading an effective organization that is
successful in fulfilling its purpose, making the most of the potential of
your human resources, while attending to business as though God and the
human being matter. You will lead an organization that is successful and is
honoring life, creativity, potential and of the interconnectedness of all.
You will lead a successful business or service while supporting the presence
of Spirit and love in the workplace and in other organizations.

Tangible Results through the Genuine Contact ( Program

* Breakthrough learning
* Appropriate structure
* Genuine community and effective communication
* High morale
* Spirited performance
* Engaged involvement
* High efficiency
* High productivity
* Shared leadership
* Shared vision
* Clear purpose
* Growth from within
* Elimination of barriers to doing a job quickly with excellence and pride
* Increased creativity
* Sustainable and renewable organizational health and energy for further
* An organization that navigates with change and takes advantage of the
opportunities that change brings, quickly (change is a constant in the
* A workplace or organization where the human being flourishes

The focus  of the Genuine Contact( Program is on skill and capacity building
within the Organization, keeping external consultant involvement to a

By developing into an interconnected learning organization, the Open Space
Organization requires change-change in behaviors and actions, but more
importantly, change in the way that purpose, values, assumptions and
structure are understood and worked with. The change process through the
Genuine Contact ( Program is life nurturing rather than life depleting. As
humans, life nurturing change comes from deep inside. Like ourselves, life
giving organizational change comes from deep inside. As individuals, going
deep inside ourselves is frightening. As organizations of individuals,
change is just as frightening. The paradox is that we want success, say that
we are working to achieve it, and then we don't do what is necessary to
achieve it because of our fears of the new and the unknown.

With the Genuine Contact ( Program, you will go deeply into the potential of
your organization to affect the change you desire and to work with constant
change in a way that achieves success that is sustainable and renewing.

Through the Genuine Contact ( Program, we will teach and coach the
development of the interconnected learning organization, called the Open
Space Organization. The Program features the teaching of people within the
organization to work with an organizational operating system in which
meetings and organizational changes are facilitated to foster genuine
contact, at all levels, on an ongoing basis. The Program also features that
this initial group then teaches the Genuine Contact( Program to others
within the organization. This is an ongoing internal process of one group of
people teaching another group of people, as the new organizational operating
system finds its way throughout the organization, in an organic and life
nurturing way.

Change is a constant, not a destination. Change management is an oxymoron.
Success with change is dependent on building capacity of individuals and of
the organization to navigate with change.

Involvement of the external consultant in the change process is limited to
the initial teaching of a team of up to 35 people within the organization.
This requires 16 days of consultant time over the course of a year, as well
as the provision of  a few executive coaching days as this internal team
gets underway, averaging 24 days throughout the first year.

Values Considerations to Assist You in Determining if the Genuine
ontact( Program is Right for You and Your Organization?
The Genuine Contact( Program is for you and your organization if you are
truly interested in leading an effective organization that is successful in
achieving what it has set out to do. It is for you if you want positive
results in attitude and action. It is for you if you understand that change
is constant and that any finite "change management program" within an
organization will always fail due to obsolescence before all of the
components are in place. This program keeps simplicity in mind for solving
complex situations, it creates a way of operating that constantly works with
change. The Genuine Contact( Program is for you if:
1. You value whole systems thinking and understand that the organization is
not a "closed system" but is an "open system" subject to constant change and
interaction with the environment in which it operates. You want your
organization to be flexible, allowing it to navigate with change and chaos,
and to flourish as a result of navigating the changes and chaos for
increasing organizational success.
2. You value the importance of a learning organization capable of achieving
success today and for the long term. You want to implement a learning
organization that continually builds the capacity, skills and knowledge in
both individuals and in the organization as a whole for ongoing
organizational effectiveness.
3. You value utilizing the best people for the job and you want to achieve
success by fully tapping into the potential of the individuals of the
4. You value the power of well functioning teams for getting the right
results in the right timing to take advantage of opportunities as they are
created. You want to develop well functioning work teams to handle day to
day work and you want to develop cross functional teams that excel in
assessing and overcoming performance challenges.
5.  You are prepared to create a nutrient environment for your organization
to flourish. You want to create an environment in which individuals empower
themselves to get the job done within a clear framework of parameters that
are understood throughout the organization. You also want to create a
nutrient environment in which your staff really participate in finding and
implementing solutions to greater and greater levels of effectiveness in
achieving outcomes.
6. You value a healthy organization that produces results and yet is a
healthy environment for those who are involved to grow, flourish, and
evolve. You want to work towards organizational health and sustain a healthy
organization for high productivity, high learning, and the growth and
evolution of your people.
What is provided if we bring the Genuine Contact(Program into our
This is a program for organizational change and transformation for
increasing effectiveness and success. Organizational change and
transformation are developed from within the organization by the people in
leadership within the organization based on basic training in the Genuine
Contact( Program and ongoing coaching for a fixed period of time. This
Program has minimal external consultant intervention with the emphasis
focused on building the skills for organizational effectiveness in-house for
change to be developed and sustained from within. It is an organic rather
than mechanical way of working. This Program has simplicity in mind, working
from the premise that complex solutions or models are a barrier to
organizational effectiveness and learning, whereas simple means that are
easy to use bring about real organizational effectiveness and learning.

The Genuine Contact( Program provides the tools and framework for:
* The organization being able to navigate with change and chaos and to
flourish as a result of navigating with change and chaos for increasing
organizational success.
* Implementing an interconnected learning organization that continually
builds capacity, skills and knowledge in both individuals and in the
organization as a whole for ongoing organizational effectiveness.
* Achieving success by fully tapping into the potential of the individuals
of the organization.
* Developing well functioning work teams to handle day-to-day work and to
develop cross-functional teams that excel in assessing and overcoming
performance challenges.
* Creating an environment in which individuals empower themselves to get the
job done within a clear framework of parameters that are understood
throughout the organization.
* Creating a nutrient environment in which staff really participates in
finding and implementing solutions to greater and greater levels of
effectiveness in achieving outcomes.
* Developing and sustaining organizational health with high productivity,
high learning, and the growth and evolution of the people in the

What is Involved in Bringing the Genuine Contact(Program into an
1. The commitment of the CEO and senior managers to the development of an
organization that really works with the potential of the workforce. This is
a commitment to an open, participative, interconnected learning organization
that continually improves its learning and capacity.
2. The forming of an internal team to be trained and authorized in the
Genuine Contact( Program by an authorized trainer. This internal team will
be the implementation team for creating the framework and the nutrient
environment, and for facilitating meetings and group processes throughout
the organization as needed to develop and then sustain the desired
transformation. It is recommended that the team includes managers, human
resource specialists, organizational development specialists and in the case
of unionized environments, union leaders. The size and composition of the
team will depend on the size and composition of the organization. Maximum
recommended size of this team is 35. At the completion of the training
phase, each member of this team will be authorized as a trainer of the
Genuine Contact( Program for others within the organization.
3. Identification of internal coaches who will take a lead role with the
team and senior management including CEO to provide a leadership and
coaching function, on an on-going as needed basis, in the organization for
developing and sustaining peak performance through Genuine Contact(. Some
organizations may choose to hire an external consultant to do this coaching
work in the initial phases. If this is the case, the external consultant
must take the Genuine Contact( Program training and become certified in
training others.  It is recommended that external consultant involvement in
this capacity be limited to about 24 days of time over the initial one-year
period during which the bulk of the change should be in place.
4. Bringing the training of the Genuine Contact( Program into the
organization or sending the internal team (if small) to training programs
that are available in different locations in the world. The total training
program involves 16 days and has five components.
The Five Components of the Genuine Contact(Program
Open Space Technology-four days- the basic Open Space Technology learning
intensive focusing on the form of Open Space Technology, the essence of Open
Space Technology, and working with the sponsor prior to and after the Open
Space Technology meeting. Open Space Technology was developed by Harrison
Owen of Potomac, Maryland, and is a whole system meeting methodology used
with great success around the world. Open Space Technology is used within
the Genuine Contact( Program to develop and uncover the interconnected
learning organization. We recommend the use of Open Space Technology
meetings whenever they are appropriate and as frequently as possible. Open
Space Technology uncovers wisdom and the natural operating system that is
already within the organization.
Process Facilitation-two days-the basics of facilitating process in others
to uncover the wisdom in each individual and in the group. Within the
Genuine Contact( Program, we recommend that Process Facilitation be used for
meetings of staff when Open Space Technology is not appropriate. Meetings
other than those facilitated in Open Space Technology must be led in ways
that are congruent with the essence of Open Space Technology. Other meeting
facilitation formats that are congruent with Open Space Technology would
also work.
 Cross Cultural Conflict Resolution-two days -the basics of cross cultural
conflict resolution to be used when conflict has been identified in the
organization as a result of Open Space Technology and Process Facilitated
meetings and is a left over after one of these meetings. This program
focuses on some basic universal ways of resolving conflict for situations
where the group or pair wishes to resolve their conflict.
Advanced Open Space Technology focusing on the Open Space Organization -four
days-the basics of learning the form and the essence of the Open Space
Organization. Facilitators work with their interpretation and perception of
the Open Space Organization. The prerequisite to attend this training is to
have taken the basic program in Open Space Technology.

Train the Trainer -four days-the basics of learning how to teach others in
the Genuine Contact Program to bring about organizational transformation.
This component is available only to those who have taken the other four
components. Upon completion of the five components of the Genuine Contact
Program, participants are authorized to use the Genuine Contact Program in
organizations, to conduct "in-house" training programs and to authorize
those who take all five components to train others.
 Our Passion for Working With the Genuine Contact( Program
We believe that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that
our human experience provides opportunity for the evolution of the soul to
higher levels of consciousness. It is our belief that an important way for
the soul to have the experiences it needs for its evolution is through
relationships: relationship with self, relationship with another,
relationship with a collective (organization), and relationship with the
earth and our environment. Through relationship work, we experience our
connectedness through Spirit. With these experiences, we evolve and grow.
The Genuine Contact( Program is our offering to assist in the development
and growth of the soul. It is our offering to assist those involved to
develop workplaces that are soul nurturing rather than soul depleting. And
the bottom line is achieved, often beyond expectations.
Human beings tend to bring only a part of their whole self to their job,
which means lost potential. The most common comment we have heard over time
during the training sessions we lead is people saying that for the first
time in a work situation they are making contact with their authentic self.
When this occurs, the individual benefits and the organization, if it is
open to working with this potential, also benefits.
We Invite Consultants to become Authorized to Provide the Genuine Contact
(Program to Organizations

We offer an effective program for facilitating change within organizations
is being made available to consultants. This program will give you the tools
needed to be a catalyst for constructive change without fearing the changes.
We believe that the Genuine Contact( Program is the best solution based
system available for Organizations and Businesses that want to thrive
through the changes coming in the future. It is effective and gives real
value to the customer, enhancing your position as their consultant.
Satisfied customers always strengthen your business.

1. The program is copyrighted and those who learn it will receive training
in each of the component parts: Session One: Open Space Technology, Session
Two: Process Facilitation, Session Three: Cross Cultural Conflict
Resolution, and Session Four: the Advanced Program in Open Space Technology
focusing on the Open Space Organization. And finally there will be
authorization for the delivery of the whole Genuine Contact Program through
the "train the trainer" intensive. Graduates of this "train the trainer"
will be authorized to take the full program "in-house" to assist
organizations with a full transformation program. Graduates of the "train
the trainer" will train people within the organization in the component
parts of Genuine Contact so that those authorized through this process in
turn will train ever widening circles of people within the organization.
Anyone trained as a trainer can offer the complete program and authorize
those graduating in turn to train in Genuine Contact, using the outline they
learn from us so that there is consistency and duplicability.
2. Consultants authorized to deliver the Genuine Contact( Program will be
listed on our website www.genuinecontact.com if they so wish for direct
contact by organizations. We recognize that everyone facilitating and
leading using the Genuine Contact( Program will do so with their own unique
style and experience. However, it is also necessary to guarantee to
organizations who bring this Program into the organization that they are
receiving consistency with Open Space Technology, Process Facilitation,
Cross Cultural Conflict Resolution, and with the development of the Open
Space Organization. Clients are entitled to assurance that when they engage
in any or all of the components of the Genuine Contact( Program, that the
components and the whole program maintain the integrity of what is offered
through the Genuine Contact(Program. Within the Genuine Contact Program, the
component parts are standardized so that they can be easily duplicated and
so that when a client pays for one of the components to be used in the
organization, the client is guaranteed of a certain standard.
3. There is no formal organization to report back to or to be accountable to
regarding use of the Genuine Contact( Program. Dalar International is
available as a resource to all facilitators and leaders trained in the
Genuine Contact( Program. Dalar International will maintain contact
information of all persons who have become trainers in the Genuine
Contact(Program and to keep them up to date on developments in the Program.
To maintain consistency, all trainers delivering the Genuine
ontact( Program training programs will use the training format developed by
Dalar International and will guide participants through the Genuine
ontact( Program using the training workbooks from Dalar International. The
workbooks for each component of the Program are copyrighted and available
through our publisher, Musango Multi-Media.



Birgitt Williams
Make Genuine Contact!
Dalar Associates: organizational
effectiveness consultants

Striving for Success? Ready to exceed
your expectations?

Contact us for consulting services, training,
conference and meeting facilitation,
and keynote speaking.

www.openspacetechnology.com <http://www.openspacetechnology.com>

-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu]On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 9:05 PM
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Subject: Re: Client Curveball No. 321 -- how would you do it?

Thanks for your advice Birgitt, and to all those who responded on this one.
know right now that the sponsor is thinking carefully about whether we
use OST for this meeting, and I'll be meeting with them next week to discuss

I don't know how you can ever tell anyone that they might be blown apart and
never put back together.  I just don't know.  That raises for me issues
when my role as a facilitator ends in terms of my interaction in people's
lives.  It's the question of where to draw a line I think...at what point
the contact I have made with people end?  As an Open Space facilitator, I am
opening space for the rest of people's lives?  I know some people are
changed by their experiences in OST meetings -- I was for example, and
fortunately for the better -- but at what point do I let go?

No question that this is an ethics question.  Most meetings that I run with
First Nations participants, no matter what process I use, usually has
someone at
some point break down and cry.  What I have noticed is that this happens
less in
OST but it still happens.  It happened last weekend, for example.  OST opens
people, and who knows where people are in their own greiving cycles?  I work
with people who have been victimized all the time.  Sometimes it's recent,
sometimes not.  Sometimes it's related to the theme and sometimes not.  Just
much responsibility *I* am supposed to take for their healing is an open
question in my mind.

Obviously with the meeting under consideration, these issues become
because I KNOW we are working with victims of violence.  And I appreciate
you have to say about this.  I guess I am pushing the ethical question a
further into the light with these comments.

Further thoughts?


Birgitt Williams wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> my inclination would be not to do this in Open Space Technology.  For me,
> the ethical issues are huge, in capital letters, and simply advising
> clearly about the theme and advising of the law of two feet just doesn't
> it. In one sense, advising of theme and law of two feet is like getting
> their permission for "whatever happens" if they show up, feeling that they
> are informed. I do not believe that by doing this, true informed consent
> given.
> In my experience in working with victims of violence for a long time in my
> life, there are layers below layers below layers of pain. The human spirit
> and psyche are very protective and go through the layers at their own
> I know many people in their 40's and 50's who are just now strong enough
> deal with something that happened in their youth.
> OST is powerful. And we know it. And we have a huge ethical
> We also know that it is difficult to communicate ahead of time how
> the meeting is. One does not know the power until one is in it. Negative
> fall out of creating a situation for people to face deeper layers before
> they are naturally ready may not occur during the meeting. Nor even in the
> closing circle. It might all look like a stunning success. In my work with
> youth in our street youth program in the 80's there were a number of group
> meetings trying to get at the deeper layers of what was up with the
> youth --we saw the youth 3 months later and 6 months later due to drug
> overdoses, slashed wrists and other suicide attempts. It wasn't pretty.
> common denominator was the meetings that one of the agencies was holding.
> Well intended. They thought they were successful. We raised a public
> and got them shut down.It wasn't open space technology. Your question
> stirred all of this up. How will you tell them in the invitation that they
> might be blown wide open and that they might not get put back together?
> I again state the perception that I have of safe space--we cannot
> that the space we create with OST is safe space. What is safe for one is
> safe for another.
> I wish you well, whatever your choices. If you go ahead with this OST, I
> would encourage you to work carefully with your sponsor group prior to and
> after the event. The meeting might be a success in the short term. To
> success in the long term takes skillful means in honouring the precious
> humans involved with all of the pain that they brought into the meeting
> all of the grief that the meeting might stir up.
> Birgitt

Consultation - Facilitation
Open Space Technology

108-1035 Pacific Street
Vancouver BC
V6E 4G7

Phone: 604.683.3080
Fax: 604.683.3036

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