Your concern about sponsor "by-in" to the use of OS is
probably the most difficult step to navigate; we all
experience it. "It won't work here!" is a common
response from sponsors.

Here're my advice(s):

1. DON'T try to convince the sponsor that OS is the
answer.  It's like trying to sell a used-car. No hard
sell for OS please!

2. DON'T try to explain the OS methodology except for
the "self-organizing" aspect which results in
participant "ownership" of the outcome(s).

3. DO "totally" focus on the sponsors expectations for
their event.  This, for me, is the key to getting to

My goal in sponsor meetings is to leave with the
strong sense that they feel that YOU really know what
they want (their desired outcome(s)) for the

I never promise them that that is what they will get
BUT I do convince them that I fully understand what
they want and assure them that in all my past OS
efforts the sponsor was thrilled with the result.  So,
in short, sell OS by LISTENING TO THE SPONSOR and
having them develop trust in YOU!

If you use this approach (and I hope you will) let me
know how you feel about the result.


Elwin Guild
Future Development International
Baltimore, Maryland

I've said my role would be as a coach/mentor -
opening spaces where
appropriate and supporting the participants with
specifics, support etc.

Has anyone done anything like this before? I'd
love to hear your insights.
I've also heard that the sponsor (a Local Govt)
thinks this approach
wouldn't work in their community. I believe it
will work, but do you have
any suggestions on how I could approach their
concerns. I have a meeting
with the sponsor later this week to further
discuss the proposal.

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