Tonight, October 18th, at 10:28, a new soul touched down on the Earth.

Weighing in at 3 kg. (that is 6.61 lbs for the Americans reading this) a
beautiful, healthy baby boy began the journey of his life in Taipei, Taiwan

Thanks to continuous exercise, yoga, meditation, and positive thinking...the
delivery was very quick (about one hour in the delivery room) and the mother is
doing just fine (a little sleepy though).  (Daddy didn't do the yoga or the
exercise, but he's sleepy too...).

When choosing a name for a new life, one wants to do a "good job," after all,
unless the child chooses otherwise, this will be their name for their whole

We had wanted to choose a name with a great meaning, or find a great person to
name our son after, and in the end, we chose two great men.  My father, John
Peter Clark, and my brother, John Peter Clark Jr.  It seems like in this day and
age, it might not be fashionable to name your child "John" or "Peter" as these
names are so "60's."  And certainly, creating a "3rd" seems like something the
Kenedys might do, but I had never thought I would.  But these are the two men I
respect the most in my life, and I can't think of two kinder, gentler, wiser, or
more loving souls on the planet.  They are both men of deep integrity and my son
would do well to follow in their (diverse) footsteps.

For those of you in Taipei that might wish to stop by and say hello to mom and
little Johnny, the hospital we are staying at is located on Chang Chun Rd. #193
(next to the Capital Hotel).  We are in room 301.

For those of you outside of Taipei, your thoughts, prayers, energy, love and
support are appreciated now, as always.

With love and grattitude to all,

Jim(bo), Anita and John

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