Many, many congratulations to Jim, Anita and John ― may your circle grow strong 
and expand!  This is the second announcement I've received about a new birth 
today.  I wanted to share with you the other events that happend in the space 
of "today".  Not to frighten or depress anyone ― just the sheer reality of 
holding space ― and the reality of whatever happened is the only thing that 

I woke up this morning and while lying in bed I heard my soon to be 19 year old 
son stirring.  It took me right back to his infancy.  Both of the boys always 
woke up cooing, laughing, and singing.  Hearing Scott stir reminded me of how I 
used to go into their rooms first thing in the morning.  So, I went downstairs 
and poured juice for both Scott and Colin, went into their rooms, sat down on 
the bed, touched their shoulders and said as I used to "welcome to your brand 
new day".  Initially they looked at me strange, then grinned...  I am so 
grateful to the universe for offering me the opportunity.

Then a friend of mine finally received a call from an adoption agency ― Katie 
arrived in their lives today ― their first baby and they are ecstatic and 
scared.  About an hour later as I was walking down the hall, a former student 
stopped me.  He was elated as he passed his nursing certification exams and has 
decided to work in palliative care.  Then he told me about another former 
student of mine ― Jason.  A wonderful personality ― whenever he had an excuse 
to make, he had an absolutely amazing smile to go along with it (just like 
Scott's).  He never participated in gossip ― always seeing the goodness in 
everyone.  He was in a car accident on Monday with a leg injury.  He then 
developed an embollism (sp?), which made its way to his brain and he died 
yesterday ― 20 years old, just in his first apartment, passed his exams and on 
his way to a nursing career ― melts my heart.

Then, Jimbo's email arrived with the wonderful new sof John Peter Clark III's 
arrival.  Jim and Anita's pride and optimism shining through.  And my aching 
heart melted just a little more.  I wish John Peter Clark III a part of Jason's 
spirit as they passed in the ebb and flow of the universe.....

with love and a quivering pigeon's heart,


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