> i'm typing this message in petion-ville haiti.  we are three days before the
> presidential election and things are fragile.  yesterday, homemade bombs
> were exploded in three different areas of port au prince and petion-ville
> killing several and injuring dozens.  today, a grenade was discovered which
> didn't explode, on the road between the cyber cafe where i am now and my
> home.  people are scared.  its hard to predict what the next days will hold,
> especially sunday, the election day.
> ... we who are practitioners of open space often talk about the difficulties
> of convincing leaders to let go of control in their organizations.  when it
> comes to letting go, and pushing people to do so, the stakes can be very
> very high.
> two weeks ago i opened the space for a group of rotarians and educators on
> the subject of promoting literacy in haiti. we were about 50.  the man who
> gave the opening welcome for the meeting, the president of the petion-ville
> rotary club and a very successful business man, is pushing for change.  he's
> pushing for others among his colleagues in the elite sector to commit
> themselves to transforming haiti and to invest in social structures and
> programs for the poor masses.
> he is soft-spoken man but has a clear message.  and he has earned the right
> to be listened to.  his two younger brothers were both assisinated in 1992.
> like him, they were pushing the elite sector to "open the space."  they also
> were wealthy businessmen.
> stakes can be high when we're pushing to open space.
> john
> petion-ville
> haiti
Dear John

I wish you a lot ofcourage. When I read your message I feel like living in
paradise ...
here in Belgium.
Please give me the name of the president of the petion-ville rotary club. I
want to forward
your message to people of the Belgian Rotary Club together with a few words
that can explain your efforts. Maybe ... I can find some support.

I have a picture of you in my mind ... that picture is clear and with every
message of you it grows more colorful and powerful. Thank you.

The Little Fox
Spiraal Training en Procesbegeleiding
Spillemansstraat 18 - 2140  Borgerhout
Tel. 0032/(0)3 235 39 99 € Fax 0032/(0)3 271 19 27 € E-mail s...@online.be

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