Dear Collegues:

Some 3 years ago I have participated in an "online conference" using an email
list (about the work of Schon if I recall well). The conference lasted for
5 weeks.
There were 4 "speakers" and each one of them proposed a paper that was
distributed each Monday. Then during one week the paper was discussed and the
speaker could also comment on the discussion. The last week was planned
for a global discussion on the conference itself. There were no coffee
breaks :-((
It was interesting but not very useful.

In a Spanish list on "organizational learning" someone proposed the idea
of using OS (or an adaptation of it) to enable a similar Conference and I
would like to know if someone can help me:

- do you know if any such experience has been already tried (with an
email list and not with Caucus or similar system)?

- if not, do you think that it can be done? or at leat tried?

- if yes, how whould you adapt usual procedures and principles
to this media?  (I have some ideas but would like to know
other opinions first).

All coments welcome



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