Hi folks,

just in time to the quiet of Xmas and New Year we are able to offer something 
special to the OS community: 

At the occasion of the Vienna stop of Harrisons booklaunch journey, we did some 
videotakes, primarly to give it to the participants of the events. But it 
worked out well, so the idea arose to give it to a larger public. And Peg 
encouraged me to produce an US-version too. So here it is:

There are two parts at the tape:
Part one shows "the opening of the space" at the Vienna Open Space Learning 
Workshop this October facilitated by Harrison. Part two shows the recording of 
Harrisons speech at the book party in Vienna. A very interesting document of 
Open space.
All together it is around one hour of videotime. 

We tried to make a reasonable price which covers our own costs (mainly for  the 
studio to bring it all together well). So we can offer it at a price of USD 
40.- / ATS 670.- / DM 95.-  excluding taxes, package and shipping.

The video is available in european PAL System as well as in US-VHS standard. If 
you would like to own this historical stuff sent an e-mail to 

Don't forget to include your address and the kind of videosystem you prefer.

All the best for the holidays from Vienna
Erich Kolenaty
Erich Kolenaty
TRAIN und TRAIN-Werkstatt
A-1070 Wien, Zollergasse 7
Fon: +43-1/5260740, Fax: +43-1/52607409
mobil +43-664/1107520
E-Mail: e.kolen...@train.at, web: www.train.at

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