At 12:03 PM 2/9/01 -0500, you wrote:
Dear OST Friends:

A discussion took place at the Open Space Institute - US board meeting (via
telephone) last month that is worth sharing.  In fact, I took on the
responsibility to convey this discussion.  It had to do with accessibility to
OST training programs.  I began the discussion by asking the question, "Why
are the training sessions for OST usually so expensive?"

David -- as usual you comments are right on the money (bad pun). And I
think the discussion you have engendered should be most helpful. I also
think it is important to remember that the situation has its complexities
(givens?) which need to be born in mind. The major one being that we
(whoever WE are) are not a corporation, education institution, or a
foundation. All of which means -- there is no budget to be allocated and
directed as "we" might choose. An exception here might be OSI(US) which is
a legal entity (501-c-3), collects money, and could distribute
same.  Having no official connection to OSI, I can speak with impunity, but
I would be very careful before jumping into the grant making business. I
have been there, and know it is possible, but not with out fair and
(usually) elaborate review procedures, checks and balances, evaluations and
all the other administrivia necessary to exercise fiduciary responsibility.
Personally, I wouldn't want to go there. But I think there are some
alternatives which you and others are raising.

First, "Each one teach one" . From the beginning, Open Space has been free
-- but with one cost. That we share what we learn along the way. So
supposing all those who cared took it upon themselves to share what they
know. Specifically, after your 3rd or 4th Open Space, invite someone to
join you for the next one as your "mentee."

Second, Lend your book. I think it is fair and accurate to say that most
people who "do" Open Space have never darkened the door of a training
program. Nor have they felt the need to -- and they do just fine.  Just
read the book and do it. It happens, most of the time, I think. And if you
happen to have a copy of the User's Guide sitting on a shelf gathering dust
-- lend it out. Of course, folks could buy their own books, and if they are
so stupid as to pay full price, entry into Open Space will cost a grand
total of $24.95.

Third, Start your own Training Program You don't need a licence. A good
head, good heart, and some experience will do. After all, that is the way
it all began. Ten years ago the only resources for such an effort were
personal experience and word of mouth stories from those also thrashing
about in the same pond. Things are rather different now. We have this
listserve, I have written a few books, and if some other folks will put pen
to paper (fingers to the keyboard) I needn't  feel like the Lone Ranger in
that department forthwith. Actually, there are something like 3 books in
German, and one in Swedish, so it is getting better. Add in our global
website  The MetaNet Connection ,
and the new Training website established by my self-selected colleagues and
me (see "Papers" for lots of poop and propaganda)
--- there is more than enough out there right now for any concerned person
to produce all sorts of programs

And then we come to The Training Programs. As the major perpetrator in this
area, (now thankfully joined by Birgitt, Micahel P. and I am sure others)
-- I can honestly say -- I would love to get out of the training business.
It's been great fun, I've learned a lot -- but a couple more years of this,
and I am ready to go fishing. So get ready folks -- the space is open and
the field is yours. But while I am getting my fishing poles in order, I do
have a few observations. First on cost. It is true, the programs I have
been involved with do cost money -- usually something like $1000-1500 (US).
At least that is the official price for folks who have the means to pay. I
think that is quite reasonable, and actually my corporate friends tell me
it is ridiculously cheap compared to other programs of a similar sort and
duration. It is a curious fact that all too often in that monied
environment, folks don't think they are getting anything unless they pay a
good deal for it. And I have no problem robbing Peter to pay for Paul. As
Michael Herman notes, and  I concur -- nobody has been excluded because of
money. Typically we have folks who pay little more than actual cost (and
sometimes not even that) up to the whole enchilada. And we can only do the
former because we do the latter. To be honest, I do know of a few folks who
could have paid, but choose not to -- and that is their choice.  Lastly,
and not to put too fine a point on it -- I totally subscribe to the
principle that A Worker is worthy (or at least should be) of his hire. It
is not just about money, but so long as I and my family have to eat, money
in this present society is damn useful.

So anyhow, Folks there are some thoughts and lots of opportunities. Enjoy


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, MD 20854 USA
phone 301-469-9269
fax 301-983-9314
Open Space Training
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