Greetings to fellow listers from the ever-growing colder land of Oz,

I am talking with a prospective client next Friday who is wanting to run an
Open Space for his business planning day to be held in May. My guess is
that we will get to writing an invitation sometime during the meeting and
I'm looking for examples of ones that have truly inspired people to come to
what is going to be seen as a "typical boring day doing business planning"
If you've got one you're particularly proud of, I'd love to read it.

If I may make one point clear before thanking in advance.

I am not looking for something I can copy...Im looking for something that
will give me suggestions about what might inspire this group...ideas I can
think about over the next week and come up with my own suggestions for the

In return, if it works, I'll post it to the list for others to share.

If you want more detail about my client, then read on..otherwise thank you
for your help. *s*

The client is a small section within a huge (20,000 staff
across the whole of Australia) federal government organisation which has
had many attempts, and is still trying (with some local successes) to
become more of an interactive organisation, though they would not recognise
the phrase. This smaller part consists of about 20 people here in Canberra
and perhaps 50 or so across the country.

It's my hope to convince the client to extend the invitation to staff from
interestate though inviting their clients is not an option since there will
be some quite sensitive information to be discussed such as upcoming
government budget content (for instance)

Enough from me...

If you have something that I could read, I'd appreciate it greatly.

Many thanks for this and contributing to such a great list. It has already
become part of my day which I look forward to reading.

Murray Willmott...

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