I agree that my relationship to the sponsoring organization and the
participants shifts while I am engaging with a "client".  In the planning
leading up to an event (especially and Open Space, but others as well), my
primary relationship is with the sponsors and possibly the cross
organization planning team or even the people that I interview or that
others interview as part of the preparation.  I believe that it is the
sponsor who chooses to intentionally "open space" in an organization or in a
community.  Unless I am the sponsor, they are accountable for that choice
and its impact on the organization or community.  My role is to help them
become as clear as we can be about intent, theme, givens and what they will
do with what emerges.  I also help them realize that their learning is
critical because the "dead moose" may emerge.  As soon as the sponsor turns
the "event", be it 4 hours or 2.5 days, over to me then my relationship is
with the group and holding the space for the individuals and the whole to
self-organize, experience spirited dialogue and explore the them and then to
converge.  After convergence and closing the space, I turn the event back
over to the sponsors.

There are many "clients" and one pays the bills.  However, that sponsor is
also a key person in intentionally keeping the space open afte the event, or
closing it down.

Not totally unrelated, but I just completed an Open Space as part of a
National Franchise organization's bi-annual agm.  It was a one day plus
convergence.  We had a very brief time to set up the room and the facilities
staff were there and did in all in an hour.  But, the walls were of the
non-stick sort.  As soon as I chimed the cymbals to begin my walk to bound
the circle, every single sign fell off the wall at once.  Even the banner
attached with duct tape.  The all fell within 30 seconds.  It was amazing.
There was a way to quickly put the grid up, but the rest sayed on the floor.
I acknowledged the power of the cymbals and kept on going around the circle.
It turned out to be one of the most powerful events I've opened.
Franchisees, of course, are used to taking risks and they are in a growth
industry so the energy is high.  The formal leadership of the franchise is
clear, supportive and knows their business.  The event was a wow.


Larry Peterson
Associates in Transformation
41 Appleton Ave.,
Toronto, ON, Canada, M6E 3A4
Fax 416.653.0609

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