Hello all

I've been following the discussion about OS/AI with great interest and this
has raised another question for me. Collegaues who are involved in
psychodrama/sociodrama/action methods are big on warming a group up - and I
certainly use a lot of different processes to warm a group up before
launching into facilitated workshops.

I've heard some criticism of open space along the lines of the group not
being warmed up enough for the bulletin board and market place.

I've never used a specific warm-up immediately before opening the space
(although I have been involved in or used storytelling the previous night
as well as playback theatre).

Although I don't know much about AI it sounds like one way of warming a
group up (I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm way off beam!)

I think I believe (that's confidence for you :-) that if the OS theme is
appropriate and the group are passionate then a warm-up is not needed.
However my recent research into warm ups for new groups, cohesive groups
and ending groups has raised the question about a warm-up especially for a
new group (where the participants don't know each other very much or at
all). Would such warm-ups (before opening the space) add or detract from
the experience? I'd be interested in your thoughts and experiences.



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Viv McWaters
Beyond the Edge Pty Ltd
PO Box 665, Torquay 3228
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"Thus the task is not so much to see what no-one yet has seen, but to think
what nobody yet has thought about that which everyone sees." Schopenhauer

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