Priorität:              Normal
Datum:          Tue, 4 Sep 2001 19:46:29 +0200
Antwort an:             Michael M Pannwitz <>
Von:                    Michael M Pannwitz <>
Betreff:                Re: Open Space journey

Hey, Nuran,
nice to read that! When will you come over to Marburg and cook for
us? Be sure that I definitely will be cleaning the kitchen! So -
everybody have a good time with Nuran! And Nuran - sometime
have a good time with us, too. Still remember you! Bye Susanne

> Dear Laurel, Nuran and gourmets on the list,
> I knew it!
> Cooking and eating together is one of the finest ways of being in the
> NOW and expanding the space...
> If this journey keeps going on, we will be left without Nuran in
> Berlin!
> Guten Appetit,
> greetings
> michael
> On Tue, 4 Sep 2001 10:20:39 -0700, Doersam, Laurel wrote:
> >Just a quick note to the list:
> >
> >I had the pleasure of hosting Nuran in Victoria.  If anyone else out there
> >in OSlist-land is moved to invite her to visit them on her journey across
> >North America, you'll be richly rewarded.  Not only is she an easy
> >houseguest with a great sense of humour, but, lordy, the girl can cook!!!!
> >It was an honour to have you, Nuran.  ("Jam jamma, jan janna!" - forgive the
> >spelling . . . )
> >
> >Love,
> >
> >Laurel.
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Nuran Yigit []
> >Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 5:16 PM
> >To:
> >Subject: Open Space journey
> >
> >
> >Selam friends,
> >this is my first e-mail to you after the OSonOS in Vancouver. For everybody
> >who is not updated, I am from Germany and participated at the OSonOS and now
> >travelling around Canda and USA. I stayed for 2 weeks in Vanvouver and
> >Vancouver Island, had woderful hosts in Victoria (thanks again Laurel... I
> >am missing you and your house and the garden and maisy the dog...). At the
> >moment I am in the office of gabriel at bigmindmedia and together with him I
> >had today my first Kajak-tour and can you imagine, how great it was? I was
> >so relaxed after the tour... This evening I will be in Seattle and will stay
> >there till Sunday and then go South to San Fransisco to visit Lisa Heft
> >(Lisa I miss you...).
> >Then I will be in Chicago to meet Michael Herman... and I would like to meet
> >also Sheila (if you read this now, please send me an e-mail... I dont have
> >your emailadress).
> >I have to catch the ferry now, Gabriel is waiting. I will write you soon...
> >I haven"t got teh time to go into the online-catalyst OSonOS, sorry for
> >this.. will do this as soon as possible...
> >
> >kisses and greetings,
> >Nuran
> >
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