First of all, thank you laurel for your wonderful words... the spelling was
right, but in turkish the written way is "Cam cama ve can cana." This is one
way of bringing the glasses together and that means "Glass to glass and life
to life." and in the open space world it would mean "spirit to spirit" or
"passion to passion" ?!
Now the cooking: it's true that I am cooking, and you can believe me, it is
a big pleasure for me, to show my 'love' trough cooking. But it was not only
me who was cooking in victoria, also Rick, Laurel and Lisa Heft cooked
delicious. And we had the idea to create an Open Space Cooking Book! We can
collect a lot of recepies from all over the world and if you are hungry just
open the space for the delicious meals from all over the world... and never
forget, that behind this recepy, there is a person, for whom this meal is a
So, any online-expert can make a suggestion, where we can collect them and
we can start!

Another thing I would like to share with you is my meeting with people, who
are involved on Open Space and Kids.
In Vancouver, directly after our conference, a couple of people went to
visit a school "Wondertree". Brent Cameron introduced us in his work with
kids and youth, using selfdirected and natural learning (similar to the
pinciples of open space). For any more information you can visit the
homepage or write him an e-mail
In Seattle I had the opportunity to talk to Alana Karran (unfortunately only
on phone). She is working for the NGO "Voices of Children" and is using open
space in her work with kids. At the moment she is working on a development
of a curriculum on teaching adults how to use open space in their work with
children. You can visit the homepage or write her

Today I arrived in Berkley, San Fransisco and I am interested in meeting
people working in alternative education with kids and youth (especially Open
Space). It would be great to get in contact with these people.
Also I am (still) interested in meeting people, who are activ in the work
agaist racism, especially in running seminars using open space.
thanks for any answer to help to find my contacts...
warm greetings,

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