A special message from ActForChange
Subject: FW: Responding to September 11

Wanted to pass this along to you in case you're interested.

      ACTFORCHANGE UPDATE: September 13, 2001


        Letter from Michael Kieschnick, President of Working Assets
        Aid for Victims and Relief from the September 11 Attacks
        Middle East Peace, Justice and Reconciliation
        c.. URGENT ACTION: Call on Mr. Bush to Show Restraint



      Dear Friends,

      It is a time of intense emotion and a desire to do something. Working
Assets has attempted not to add to the noise of rapid fire reporting on
casualties, costs, threats and the like as we know you are already being
overwhelmed with such information.

      As with any national tragedy, the September 11 terrorist attack has
become a touchstone or a filter through which everyone with a point of view
seeks to justify it. More military spending (as if the Pentagon did a good
job). Fewer civil rights. An aggressive military response (against whom?).
Justice in the Middle East. A call to remember the list of U.S.
transgressions against others (the list is long and continues). Asking why
the mainstream media keep asking the same questions of the same generals and
pundits, with no time for those with alternative insights.

      For me, since it is unclear at this moment who ordered, funded,
orchestrated and benefited from these attacks, I am simultaneously enraged
at those who actually committed them, profoundly sad at all of the innocents
who died and whose lives go on but are shattered, and afraid both for my
children and for the path my country may choose. Nearly 90% want war, the
surveys say.

      So the question always comes back "what should we do?" That is always
the question and the American way. Working Assets will eventually call for
action, but much depends on eventually learning more clearly who did what —
and we have to recognize we may never know. In the meantime, we urge the
Bush Administration to show restraint and to show leadership in opposing
hate and vengeance (click here). We will oppose any attempt by the Bush
Administration to use the deaths of our citizens to justify policies that
made no sense before or after. And we will continue to oppose US policies,
like the sanctions against civilian trade with Iraq that made so sense
before or after. And we have identified ways for individual citizens to
give, donate, and help with the immediate needs of the victims and
survivors. Many special funds are springing up already, so see below for how
to help. And we will continue to use our citizen action programs and
donation programs to fight for a more just world.

      But we will have no illusions that each of those actions, if taken
earlier, might have prevented the despicable mass murders of September 11.
We are periodically reminded that profound evil walks among us. Once we know
who and why, we can debate and ponder the ifs — what if the US had not done
that, what if the Soviets had not invaded Afghanistan, what if paranoid near
fascists were not trained in the U.S. army, what if the Colombian drug
cartels did not make billions off of American drug use, what if religious
leaders ceased to use God to justify unspeakable acts, what if security was
higher . . . if, if, if.

      Until then, we will condemn the murderers, honor the dead, comfort the
victims, defy those who argue for premature conclusions and a quick violent
response, and attend to our own grief so that we have strength for the never
ending journey toward justice to which we have committed ourselves.

      Michael Kieschnick
      Working Assets



      Aid for Victims and Relief from the September 11 Attacks

      Many organizations are collecting funds for use in supporting the
relief efforts now going on and in assisting the victims in rebuilding their
lives. The need is so new that there is little detail on precisely how the
funds will be used. Here are a few organizations which have mobilized

      International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Charity Fund
      Americares - Aid for Terrorist Attack Victims
      Second Harvest
      The Red Cross
      The September 11th Fund

      Middle East Peace, Justice and Reconciliation

      Some of our members have asked us for suggestions of groups that are
working for peace, justice and reconciliation in the Middle East.
Recognizing that nobody has yet claimed responsibility for the terrorist
attacks on September 11, 2001, these seven groups all do important work that
deserve your consideration. Please note that all work in this area is risky
and controversial. All are working on long term efforts that hold some
promise. Working Assets does not specifically endorse the precise approach
of each of the groups — indeed, some are in conflict with each other. May
peace and compassion be our watchwords in the difficult days, weeks and
months ahead.

      Grassroots International
      New Israel Fund
      Global Exchange
      American Friends Service Committee
      Mercy Corps International
      Middle East Research Information Project
      Americans for Peace Now


      URGENT ACTION: Call on Mr. Bush to Show Restraint

      We condemn without limit the cowardly terrorist attacks that claimed
thousands of innocent lives on September 11. No cause, however noble or
sustained, can possibly justify such actions.

      But what happens now is up to the United States. Already there are
demands for war against unnamed enemies, for funding of missile defense
systems that do not work and for imposition of strict limits on hard-earned
civil liberties. Already we see the unveiling of ugly prejudice against
anyone of Arab origin or against followers of Islam.

      How Mr. Bush reacts is critical, and the first signs are not
encouraging. Click here to take action by calling on Mr. Bush to show
restraint in the decisions he makes in the coming weeks.

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