My original intention for this time was to be on a plane bound for Southern 
California to facilitate a workshop entitled Consciously Living in the Heart.  
Though very appropriate, flying at this time does not feel so.

This weekend I will spend each day - Saturday and Sunday - 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 
p.m. in silent prayer and meditation as Bush, Cheney and the Cabinet meet at 
Camp David to create the plan for the future.  Holding this sacred space, 
knowing that the future has not yet been decided and that we, as co-creators 
with the All and each other have the ability to create a new outcome, I invite 
all in the surrounding area to join me as they feel drawn to do.  My door will 
be open.  Those who live to far to be physically present with me, I invite in 
the nonlocality of no time and space to be present.

We are living in the midst of those times predicted for centuries.  The "Day of 
Truth" that so many are speaking of - September 17 - is here.  Let the truth of 
love, peace and compassion shine in our hearts and in our actions.  Hold fast 
to the Light and to your center.

Toni Petrinovich

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