At 12:49 04-10-2001, Harrison Owen wrote:

Artur -- and anybody else -- I think it is always import to remember (at
least for me) that OST was the product of two Martinis, born out of
frustration by way of a joke. That it is powerful, I cannot deny. And I
confess to a certain pride of discovery -- not invention.

My claim was even less, Harrison; I have only called you the "initiator" ;-)

However, at the end of the day it remains, in my mind, a simple vehicle to
a much more profound and prior reality: The Power of Self-Organization.
There is no magic in OST. And I am pretty sure there is no magic in
Self-Organization, although for those of us who believe (or hope) that we
or somebody did the organizing (is in charge) perhaps it looks like magic.

I agree with that. And I would also include those that think that they
"will do"
the organizing/reorganizing. But...

So by all means, let's go as deeply as we can to understand the primal
realities of our world. God knows, some deep thinking would be helpful at
the moment.

isn't there a contradition? Does He knows? I mean, is He "in charge"?
(Maybe He is the one who always give us "the givens"...) No need to
answer. Only an inocent joje ;-)

Now coming to some of my real concerns

And I think when we go a little deeper we will discover that OST is just
what it started out being -- a funny thing that happened along the way to
our future -- the product of two Martinis, born out of frustration by way
of a joke.

Ok, you wrote that before, and you are repeating it here. And you must know
about the subject more than I do (namely, the effect of two Martinis on
you...) But
if we have to take you seriously about that, I wonder why a lot of people (and
sometimes even you...) don't take so seriously the fact that you wrote:

"As advertised, there are four principles and one law. They are important
SERIOUSNESS" (page 95; capitals are mine).

Are the pinciples the main reason why OST works (I mean, are they
real "principles") as it it stated in the chapter on OST of Senge's "The
Dance of Change" (to mention only that)?

Or the foundation of OST is elsewhere? Maybe the Circle, the Boletim
Board, the Market place; a Theme for which people care (and when we
say that there is no pre-defined Agenda, but we don't mention there is a
Theme, things look VERY different from what they are); the combination
of plenary sessions and breakout ones; the suspension of quotidian rules
(that to be suspended must be replaced by some others, one must not
take "with total seriousness"), and the Law (from which many other
things are derived)?

I have facilitated 4 OST events until now (I will talk about that to the list
later). Three were done "by the book". In the last one, I decided to apply
your principle "less is more!". And, apart from the Theme and the Buletin
Board) , I had only two signs: the law and "be prepared to de surprised".
I have mentioned the 4 principles as "some other points you eventually
would like to pay attention -- two that are about time (...) and the other two
I don't know very well what they are about, but He (you) always mentions
them (...)". It worked exactly like the others (better than one of the others
but that as a different explanation...).

Any comments? And now what? Any suggestions for my next experiment?

Best wishes


PS: by the way, I have told participants - if you buy and read "the book",
you have,
according to the Author, all the "certification" that you need to BEGIN
using OST,
and you can use OSLIST as a resource. On the next time, I will try to have one
more half-day to do an "OS on OS" after the "real OS". And that is all for
from me...

PPS: I have not changed the thread as it continues to be ok. Only the
meaning of "moving" has slightly changed...

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