Dear KenWest,
I have had student observers in open space events many times.
In general I handle it similarly to the way Chris Corigan describes
it in his mail.
And also, I tell the participants about it and, of course, check with
the sponsor ahead of time.
Student observers seem to enjoy the role of assistant and learn a lot
in that role also because they can discuss matters with the other
assistants and with the facilitator/s.
Ahead of the event I have a talk with the observers about their role
and about what it is they are interested in observing, quite often I
can assist them in getting their questions more precise...and I ask
them for a copy of the report that they write .
In exchange for their assistance in setting up the open space and
doing chores during the os I arrange a post-event meeting with them
to go through stuff. In this manner a number of students have become
more deeply interested and keep coming back for more assistance jobs
and have also attended training.
Thinking back, there have been observer-assistants in os-events with
"few" participants (less than 20) and with many in attendance, it has
never been awkward or intrusive as far as I can tell.
In a recent os with 100 participants (highschool students, parents,
teachers) one of the 2 observers wanted to have 10 of the
participants fill in a short questionnaire after the os. I had her
write her request onto a poster that people could see as they left
the event and agreed to her announcing it during morning news. She
kept wondering if anyone would actually take the time to fill in her
questionnaire. We had to rush and copy more of the questionnaires
because 60 people wanted to fill it in.
In all, I appreciate having observer-assistants.
Under the givens described it appears to be productive for everyone.
Greetings from Berlin

-Original Message Text---
From: KenWest
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 19:26:32 -0700

0 DocumentEmail

How do observers affect the open space?  I have had several people
want to come and see Opens Space this Monday, I have declined,   I
was worried about the energy and possible disruption.

How do you do it?  And, do you open the space any differently?

Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1
12209 Berlin, Germany
FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464

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