Dear coleagues:

I don't know if you still remember that some time ago I informed
you that a text I wrote on Open Space and another applying OST
to Information Systems were to be published as booklets soon.

But "soon" in Latin Europe (and especially in the Public Administration)
has not the same meaning as in other places... Neverthless, they
came from the print today, even if the oficial date is December 2001 :-)

So, for the register, the titles and other details are as follow:

Métodos Interactivos para o Planeamento e Desenvolvimento
de Sistemas de Informação
Cadernos INA, nº 1
Instituto Nacional de Administração

Fundamentos da Metodologia de Reunião em Espaço Aberto
Cadernos INA, nº 2
Instituto Nacional de Administracao

The above title means "Foundations of ..." and, after checking with Harrison,
and as the word "technology" has a more reduced scope in Portuguese, I have
decided to translate OST as an equivalent to "Open Space Meeting Metodology".
Unfortunatelly I only have the portuguese version. I would like to have also
an English version and have your comments about the way I have presented
the "OST foundations" ;-)

By the way, the publisher is the "Nacional Institute of Administration",
the official body for training in the Public Sector. As INA cooperates largelly
with the other portuguese speaking countries the booklets can be obtained
from them, for that purpose, probably for free (and no, I will not receive more
money for selling more books ;-) For Bernd in Moçambique and eventually for
others elsewhere, INA can be contacted at the adress:

Palácio dos Marqueses de Pombal
2784-540 Oeiras

And if you want to have the Author's name as in printing please check bellow

Best Regards

Artur Ferreira da Silva

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