Hello, folks -

I hear from Lori Lewis and some of our other colleagues that they have been
having trouble with the digest version of our list - have been receiving
zero of our past several months' conversations.  I receive messages as they
come in, so I was unaware of this challenge our friends are experiencing.

So I'm sending this along to ... everyone (but is it you, Michael Herman,
who tinkers with things like this?) to let you know.

And adding warm greetings from Berkeley, California, USA, where it's a bit
cold in the mornings (so we put all our warmest clothes on) and warm in the
afternoons (so we pull them all off and change to summer clothes) and we get
to change our costumes with our every mood...


- - -
L i s a   H e f t
Consultant, facilitator, educator
Open Space Technology and Experiential Learning

2325 Oregon
Berkeley, California
94705-1106  USA
(+01) 510 548-8449

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