This is so beautiful!
all my blessings
Tova Averbuch
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Institut für systemische Kommunikation (insyko) 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 4:31 PM
  Subject: My Vision became Reality: OpenSpace-Online is born!

  Dear colleagues and dear friends,

  this a very, very special day for me and my team: Exactly at 15:15 (German 
time), 2002-05-15 we started the launch of our new open space internet 
conference system. For all who have not much time to read this long email ... 
you are warmly invited to go on our new website

  In the following I would like to share with you one of my greatest 
experiences I had in my life. 

  In the middle of a wonderful period of co-facilitating and facilitating OST 
conferences and of develop and offer a OST Training together with Michael M 
Pannwitz I began to dream about the question "Could it give additional ways to 
spread OST?" "What" and "how"?" Over month this questions came again and again 
into my mind. I did not know really why, because I saw how wonderful OST 
spread. In the same way I was additional so much impressed about the new 
possibilities which brought us the world wide web. At this time I thought that 
this two threads in my mind were total independent from each other. 

  But on a weekend in July 1999, relaxing in the sun, it happens in my yard. 
There I had an indescribably intense flash of inspiration. In my mind's eye, I 
saw, quite clearly and precisely, the process and structure of an 
Internet-based real-time conference. This conference software had a virtual 
facilitator, helped decentralized work groups and interest groups to achieve a 
large degree of independence. Moreover, it brought into harmony with one 
another results-orientation, participation, and mutually respectful 
communication. At the same time, this software transferred as good as possible 
the principles of OST to the Internet. I saw how this software could ideally 
support processes of learning and of change in society, in the economy, in 
education, and in politics with its practically universal span of application 
and due to its simple and quick handling. 

  I jumped out of my canvas chair, I was total confused, I went into the house, 
toke paper and a pen and began to write down all what I saw. I felt myself like 
in trance ... I wrote and wrote and wrote. A full concept of the software 
structure, the procedure, the benefits, the applications, the logo draft, the 
slogan and first steps of realization. When I "woke up" more than one hour was 
gone, 10 pages were full and I was so tired and so confused. That MOMENT was 
the begin of a big adventure.

  The vision was so clear and so powerful! It was like a precious gift and was 
also like a very precise and clear commission. What followed was a journey of 
discovery into an area (IT) that was at that time foreign to me. But I had the 
deep belief that this vision could become reality. The whole time I was guided 
by a friendly star, which always showed me the way or stopped me if I was in 
danger of getting off course. It is a good thing that I did not know at the 
beginning how deep I would have to penetrate into this area and that an almost 
unending desert of countless details, privations, risks, and unforeseen 
challenges awaited me. But there was never any question of stopping, turning 
around, or giving up. It must also be said that I never would have been able to 
complete this big project alone. I was fortunate in always finding the right 
people at the right time. A big Thank You to all my angels and supporters on 
earth and after this time I am sure also in heaven!

  And a very big THANK YOU to you, Harrison. Without your open philosophy, 
without your trust in open change I would never had this powerful inspiration 
and the courage to go into such chancy and expensive adventure without any 
doubt. THANK YOU for your "wonderful open space garden". You disseminated a 
brilliant seed and since over 17 years it grows and grows in this beautiful 
garden. The internet and the IT sector makes it possible that over the years 
more and more communication and new plants and bloomers appear. Each plant has 
its own personality, its own tasks and benefits. But all plants have the same 
roots and all are full of heart energy, of passion and all are growing for 
similar higher goals.

  To realize my vision I went into a cooperation with a very experienced 
software company. During the time more and more staff were needed and on 
average between 5 and 7 people were working day by day in this project. One of 
a few "musts" from our business partner was it to keep our IT-project top 
secret. But now the development of the first software version and the long 
period of tests (12 month), in which 30 to 50 people helped us in optimizing 
the system, are over. Now we are able to speak about our new innovation. I am 
so happy about this milestone and it is so exciting!

  If you are interested in ... here some brief information regarding our new 
  Our main product is now an Internet conference software, which takes place in 
successive phases, in which between 5 and 75 persons can simultaneously work on 
a major subject that is current and important to them. The complete conference 
system and the appropriate conference software is available in German and in 
English. The participants work together in a goal and solution-oriented manner 
for 1.5 to about 8 hours. No external online moderator is needed. A virtual 
facilitator guides all participants simply through the process of the 
conference. That was in the beginning one of my biggest aims: no online 
moderator and in real-time! I wanted to create a system with a good structure, 
phase by phase, step by step with a good orientation for each single 
participant at each place in the "conference center" and at every second. I was 
sure, that the passion for a higher joint subject will find the way through 
this virtual leaded process. The wonderful result is: it works every time! And 
at the end of every online conference each participant receives extensive 
documentation about the conference in the convenient HTML-format at the press 
of a button. The documentation provides an ideal basis for further work, as it 
contains all contents, results, and arrangements made during the conference and 
can be immediately used in either digital or printed form. 

  With the complete conference system licensees can plan and manage individual 
conferences quickly and independently and carry these through via Internet, 
Extranet, or Intranet. With our conference system, we are especially oriented 
towards companies, organizations, universities and schools which are engaged in 
a process of constant learning and which understand, therefore, the value of 
participation for the proactive initiation and establishment of sustainable 
processes of change and want to make synergies possible between the offline and 
the online world.

  Another field of application which is equally important to us is that of 
cities and communities engaged in a constant learning process. We are happy 
therefore that an extensive cooperation has begun between our new company and 
the German Association of Towns and Municipalities. The goals of this 
cooperation are to work together to support cities and communities in opening 
ever more interactive spaces for lively online citizen participation to make 
city and regional development possible in a new form and to set new 
international benchmarks for the areas E-Government, E-Participation and 

  Like OST, our software system is also not a "sell-product". It is just a 
tool, easy and fast to handle and to use. We have no distribution system and we 
will have no agencies, no sales commission is planed, no sales people are 
needed and no consultants are required. Our deep believe is that (with the 
principles of OST) our software system will find the right customers, license 
clients and the right participants self-organized and the right people which 
want to support such applications ... when the time is right. Our main tasks in 
the future will be to make our innovation known, to "hold the space" for all 
people and organizations which are interested in our services around 
self-organized participation and self-organized e-participation. Another task 
is to continue the development on our software system and to develop other 
networking tools. That’s our mission. We invite you all warmly to have a look 
into our new website There you will find more 

  Thank you for taking time and reading this long message!
  With warm greetings from Berlin

  Gabriela Ender

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  
  OpenSpace-Online GmbH - The Power of People 
  Resselsteig 30, 12209 Berlin, Germany  
  phone:  ++ 49 (30) 772 31 69     
  List of Change Facilitators Worldwide  
  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *    

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