If you don't invite him how will the attendees get to discuss all the

Also since Brian is in Broome (sunning himself on Australia's far north-west
coast) and taking on the enormous task of presuming to speak for him:

Trust in the spirit of the people,  and
Be prepared to be surprised   (ie do not have your own pre-determined outcomes)

are essential pre-requisites

which is no doubt why Ralph also says invite him.

On a personal level, if we are to believe in the Spirit, then we MUST allow
it to work.  For mine Space Invaders are furphies (oz for distracting

Congratulations on the initiative


>How would you handle this?
>I have hand delivered the invitation below to many people in our community.
>In a nutshell, this is an OST for folks who want to use 9-11 as an impetus
>to create projects in our community to make this a better place, to give us
>a better future. The theme is "What Good Can We Make of 9-11?"
>The invitation and the newspaper article both made it clear that the last
>thing I want to come out of the meeting is a statue for people to visit: I
>want to promote a living memorial, project to involve people.
>This evening we had our first Inviters Meeting. This was a meeting of
>people who are going to invite other people to the OST on 2002/09/11. It
>was announced by way of a news release published in our local paper, and
>personal invitations.
>There were 5 people, plus me. The only one to come solely as a result of
>the newspaper article was a person known as influential in our community.
>After I announced the theme of the OST and described a little about the
>process of the meeting, he jumped in.
>"Well, I don't want to stop your project, but we have a project to which
>many hours and many Dollars have been committed already, and we should not
>scatter our resources, but rather concentrate them behind this sculpture of
>the Twin Towers we want to erect at one of our park entrances," he said,
>proceeding to tell us about all the money raised and efforts in that regard
>and the need for memorials so people will remember, etc.
>I thought, "Here is a pure Space Invader." I worried about intervening, so
>resolved to keep my mouth shut and see what happened.
>When he started into the details of the kind of steel to be used in the
>construction, I said something to the effect that of course we need
>memorials and it is a fine project, but people have many different
>interests, and those who want memorials can come to your group at the
>He said something to the effect that "You can't do any project without
>money, so it's fruitless to try," and similar things.
>Needless to say, he brought the energy in the room way down to start.
>Finally, someone else asked a question and started to turn the conversation
>back to where we needed to be. It was a fruitful meeting, but I sure am
>tempted not to invite him to the next Inviters Meeting!
>How would you handle this sort of invasion, seeing that there was no other
>meeting going on to which we could all use the law of two feet?
>                              :-Doug. Germann
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