Yeh, here we go, Birgitt.

But still - it is a good feeling, how do you think?
I mean to think that there is democracy... somewhere.

And for me OST - a way to discuss and first formulate the ideas of people,
who is never asked, so now we are prepering the conference as a Civil
Forum.... and people propose to define 4 directions... doesn't matter which,
to make round tables, which will be monologues of people with no real
discussions and five times on the same topic - we had this last year in
Moscow on a Civil Forum.

The local government officials are saying: Why do you need any conference?
We do work nicely with NGOs - look... this, this and this...

So here OST if we will manage organize it as the method of providing Civil
Forum, will be the way of listen ALL people problems, questions and needs
not only in their lives, but also in the work with local governments which
is for sure not as nice as they want to see it. NGOs did learn to make some
approach to some programs, but mostly local governments are 'working' on
their own salaries, not solving problems, you know....and people can ask
what they are ALLOWED to ask, but there are a lot of problems, which are not
' in the directions' of the work of many departments which, as people,
suppose still here, should solve their problems.

well, it is a long story

best wishes


----- Original Message -----
From: "Birgitt Williams" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 12:26 AM
Subject: Re: The magic that happens...

> In following this thread, I focus on the word "democracy". I have been
> researching democracy, having been commissioned to write an article about
> it. And to date, have found NO examples of democracy in any of my
> Webster's dictionary definition of democracy: Greek 'demos' means 'the
> people' and 'kratein' means 'to rule'. 1. government by the people, either
> directly or through elected representatives;  rule by the ruled. 2. a
> country, state, community etc. with such government  3. majority rule  4.
> the acceptance and practice of the principle of equality of rights,
> opportunity and treatment.
> The word 'democracy' is one I have heard frequently associated with OST.
> was for this reason that I started to look for a current example of
> democracy really working as majority of their own free will actually
> I have lived in Canada and although it appears to be a democracy, it is
> Likewise in the USA where I now live.
> Do any of you have any examples of democracy working?
> Blessings to you and to all with whom you make Genuine Contact,
> Birgitt
> Birgitt  Williams of Dalar International Consultancy
> Mentoring for Organizational Effectiveness
> view the calendar for upcoming training at
> We invite you to join the list serve at
> Contact information for Dalar International Consultancy
> Mailing address: Po Box 19373, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA 27619 or for
> courier 12136 Shooting Club Rd., Raleigh, North Carolina USA 27613
> Phone: 919-522-7750     Fax: 919-870-6599
> "I believe that Spirit matters and people are precious. I know that
> organizations incorporating these values have exciting, tangible results
> including wealth, prosperity, and abundance. Daily, these organizations
> attend to their health and balance. Participating in the Genuine Contact
> program takes you on a learning journey of HOW to achieve the healthy and
> balanced organization (the conscious Open Space Organization)."  Birgitt
> Williams, Dalar International Consultancy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: OSLIST []On Behalf Of Julie
> Smith
> Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 12:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: The magic that happens...
> Dear Peggy and Elena,
> I'm just curious about the focus on democracy.  In using that term, do
> you mean the concept of "one person, one vote" and the idea that "the
> majority rules?"  I wonder if the concept of democracy itself can be
> limiting.  Kerry posted an interesting observation about voting in his
> post this morning.
> Elena, could you define the purpose of your class as an exploration of
> OST as a means for helping groups of people solve important and complex
> problems?  If that is the purpose, then you could approach the students
> as sponsors from the very beginning.  They could define the complex
> problem that is important to them, they could decide who to invite, and
> how to address the logistical questions (where and when to hold the
> event).
> If your students want to give the process a try in the classroom before
> expanding to a larger group, simply ask them to come up with a theme
> they want to discuss, and then do it.  If your class meets for three
> hours at a time, you could use one of those class periods to define the
> theme (and perhaps make posters), and the next class period to do the
> opening, meet in one or two sessions, and then a closing.
> Thanks for this interesting discussion ~
> Julie
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