I have a provocative (?!) question.

How come OS never makes it onto the Organizational Development radar screen?

I've just checked out the big OD conference in Montreal this October, bringing 
in Fritjof Capra, Meg Wheatley, and lots of folks talking about complex 
adaptive, chaordic systems.... and how to create them (what a non-sequitur that 
is!)  www.odnetwork.org/conf2002/index.html
And Chris brought our attention to a Plexus institute on complexity etc. with 
no mention of OS. So the theory behind complexity and self-organization is 
becoming quite popular.

So why is it that such a simple, widely practiced and successful "approach" 
such as OS - which is self-organization in action and has been talked/ written 
about as such (HO) - never gets talked about? or simply ignored? Is it too 
threatening? Is it hard to be a typical guru and do the speaker circuit thing? 
Or is it just most of these folks are doing the same old thing (you know - 
being the expert) but speaking new language?

Something in my gut is really sticking on this one.........!

Meg Salter

MegaSpace Consulting

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