hello ralph,

i think birgitt is right that it takes a lifetime... which
is a bit too long to spend in a workshop setting.   since
we're going to rely on a lot of lifetime learning in this,
it helps if people bring some experience with living in open
space.  the more experience they have in the open space soup
we live in, then the easier it is to understand the
technology bit we're suggesting.  it's helpful if they also
have experience inside of an ost event, but that can be
created in the training time as well.

since this is a lifetime learning, it seems most important
that people learn *enough* to feel that they can go out and
begin to practice for themselves and make *enough*
connections with others (workshop leader and participants
and comfort with joining oslist worldwide conversation, too)
to support them in talking and trying more about this
stuff.  i find that substantial community connections and
personal confidence can be made in two days.  indeed, we are
teaching a method that in itself suggests that significant
shifts can occur in just 2-2.5 days.  that is, in part,
where i have based my two-day practice workshop on.  the
complete outline for that program is posted, somewhat
cryptically but i think you'll understand it well enough, at
http://www.globalchicago.net/ost  ...just scroll down to the
training links and click the 'outline' one.    incidently,
we've had some very nice things happen in just one day, as

will be glad to hear what you finally decide to do with this
one and how you think it works out in (and into)



Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
300 West North Avenue #1105
Chicago IL 60610 USA
phone: 312-280-7838


...inviting organization into movement

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