hi all,

hang onto your hats, open space is about to go way
mainstream.  check this out:  http://www.meetup.com.  an
online space for posting breakout sessions about ANYTHING...
from body piercing to presidential campaigns.  you think
you've seen a wide variety of issues go up on the wall, you
ain't seen nothin' yet.  well, i hadn't, anyway.  this seems
to be the latest wave in free internet services, to follow
newsgroups, email access, email listgroups, blogging and
some others i can't think of.  wonder if this will do for
open space what egroups/yahoo did for email listserves?

also, for those partial to weblogs, it seems gary hart
(former senator, maybe pres candidate) has started his own
blog, and started a bunch of these meetup groups, that will
meet monthly in many many locations simultaneously.  other
candidates are starting at meetup, too.  is alan silverman
still in the house here?  seems some of his hopes for
bringing the democrats to e-life may be on the way.

see what you think.



Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
300 West North Avenue #1105
Chicago IL 60610 USA
phone: 312-280-7838


...inviting organization into movement

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