At 11:58 AM 9/9/2003 +0200, you wrote:

Yeah, small world networks are definitely a big part of why Open Space
works. Actually it's a big part of why the world works :o)

Mark Buchanan has written an excellent and highly readable book called
"Small world" on this very new and very promising science. I've reviewed
it here: .

Obvious parallels between small world networks and open space gatherings
* Small world networks are highly adaptable, yet very stable - as are
Open Space gatherings
* The structure in small worlds networks arises without central planning
- as in OS
* Bumblebees can be seen as "weak connections" between tightly knit
groups - one of the main reasons that small world networks are tightly knit

Right on! Despite the fact that some folks think they actually organize
networks, I think the truth of the matter is that they happen all by
themselves in the way of all self-organizing systems. The critical point of
initiation is the convergence of passion and responsibility -- somebody
cares about something and takes responsibility to talk to others who might
share the care. If the fire of passion ignites -- you have a network. If it
fizzles and goes out in a puff of smoke, you don't -- and no amount of
huffing and puffing will make any difference. Sounds a lot like Open Space
to me.  All of which relates, I guess, to Artur's thoughts about "essential
conditions" . . . Chris put it neatly (although I am not so sure how
elegant I was)  "As for the conditions that make Open Space really hum, I
go back to
Harrison's elegantly stated four: passion, diversity, complexity and
urgency.  The more of each, the better the process works." I think it might
work better if one were to say passion/responsibility --  but anyhow I find
the same essential conditions apply to all useful networks.


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, MD 20854 USA
phone 301-365-2093
207-763-3261 (Summer)
Open Space Training
Open Space Institute
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