Open Space: Participatory District Developing Plan Initialitation
Sept 23, 2003, Dondo District, Sofala Province Mozambique

I just came back from a one day Open Space in Dondo District (Sofala Province, 
Dondo is about to produce a District Development Plan. They work together with 
an Austrian Development Project, which adopted a highly participatory rapid 

A stakeholder-balanced Planning, Preparation and Logistics (Equipa PPL Dondo) 
team had met 10 times. I orientated the team installation and coached them 
twice. They met 10 times and for a very intensive last day preparation session. 
 There were some additional coachings for Dona F. a national consultant. She is 
the animator and coordinator of the district teams and operational 
representatant of my client.

Today 140-150 participants (half of which had been personally invited according 
to the stakeholder analysis which the planning team had done, others came 
because they where informed by radio, public announcements and local community 
meetings) arrived at the building of the district administration. A wonderful 
mix. Absolutely the right people:

The following people met to discuss development problems of various 
stakeholders in the district and to make practical recommendations for actions 
or projects to me inicialized:

2 chiefs (regulos de maffambisse and savane).  6 children, 2 professors from 
Universidade Católica de Mozambique (UCM), 2 professors from the University for 
Pedagogics, 2 from the Provincial Government, 2 District Administrators from 
neighbour districts (distritos fronteiros), 2 admin. clarks from Buzi District 
(they run another type of particip. DD planning), 9 District Directors from the 
various sectors of Dondo (Agriculture and Rural Development, Health, Education, 
Plan & Finance,...), 8 people from NGOs and associations, 1 student from 
Beira-university (who says he tries to make sense of what he is studying for 
and heard in the radio about the Participatory Planning Event). Two 
municipality secretaries (vereadores)of and the president of  the "Dondo Town" 
Council, some people from the opposition party from Mafambisse District. The 
District Police Chief, some middle level management people fro bigger 
enterprises, some journalists, who participated in the same way, als all the 
others at the the "whole-system-1 day exercise". And the working climate was 
influenced to the best by of a real lot of women "from the interior", more than 
60 camponesas, mainly from mafambisse and savane.

 The preparation had also had the function to intensify the communication with 
the stakeholder groups and had written a letter and produced material for 
public announcements at different level.

Lots of things went wrong: The transport logistics had forgotten a whole 
truckload of people from the interior, from an area which already feels 
permanently forgotten by the district administration. We started the Open Space 
Introduction 2 hours later than originally planned (which means for local 
conditions, that 1 hour delay had already been part of the plan). The logistics 
team had no real idea about the next steps, because  there had been integration 
problems of a new member, one of those who had been invited because if not 
invited he could have become a 'saboteur' as the first stakeholder analysis had 
shown, so instead of doing an Open Space on "What do we have to do to until the 
event" I could only 'simulate' the generation of the agenda with them. Well, 
and so on.

But then: The Administradora do Distrito de Dondo opened the space in a 
traditional way, motivating each and everybody to work together on the 
development and a better future for the District of Dondo. After my 
introduction on the steps to go the 150 participants generated about 140 
working themes.

I had prepared a bulletin board for 4 timeslots and 17 breakout spaces. So the 
board was 'overwhelmed' by "temas de paixao". There came pressure to only allow 
one theme per person, but I had guaranteed in my opening statement that, that 
each and every voice would be heard and nothing would be decided by somebody 
else then them.  So we put the incoming pages with name and tema de paixao of 
each group convener all around the bulletim board.

I explaned the problem which whas caused by the richness in individual 
contribtuons. "You produced it, you solve it in a cooperative way. The solution 
it, to fold the 140 items together into not more than 3x17=51 working groups 
(the 4th timeslot had been lost, because the whole procedure was quite a slow 
one: I spoke a sentence in portuguese, then the translators  brought it to 
Chisena and Chindao, the two mainly spoken local languages).

This was the moment, when the client and the event convenor (district admin.) 
became quite nervous. The district administrators feet wanted to go out of the 
room with her, but could not, because she had invited everybody to come here. 
Her perception was: first a very late start, then a slow tri-lingual 
explanation of the daily program, of the logistics and on working steps from 
building the agenda on. Then: a quantity of first results, which had obviously 
not been forseen by the facilitator. Everybody seemed to be stuck. And then: 
from one moment to the other, like a tropical storm: A hell of working noise, 
everything went out of control; people running to and fro in front of the 
bulletim board. They cleared things rapidly: with 17 minutes everything was 
condensed to 32 groups. And off they went. Down to work.

I had to accept, that nobody cared any longer for the bulletim board, the 
defined timeslots were forgotten. I saw 6 big clusters of people working more 
or less all the time in the same configuration, but at 3 p.m. they fixed 20 
reports on 20 different themes on the walls.

The market of results was a big event. Everybody here knows markets. But nobody 
had ever done a market during a meeting. They loved it. Some "sellers" invested 
all their everyday knowledge about market presentation. The fears of the 
district admin. and my client had evaporated When my "sino chinês" announced 
that everybody can now buy - according to his/her scarce resources of 5 MU's 
(monetary units = sticky dots) they really went to it. 18 group results were 
Priority I:

The result of one group, which plans an integrated action for a really 
disadvantaged zone (from the "forgotten" Mafambisse) was the ladies hit: It got 
42 red points, and 35 blue ones from the gentlemen. It is an action mix: 
building an orphanate; create an NGO, vocational training for joung people, 
improving the working conditions of teachers...
Priority II
A "men's" project. 34 masculine MU's for street and bridge building, only 6 
womens MUs.
A great moment, when I perceived, that priority One had been given to a "tema 
de paixao" of a lady, who had come during the end of her group work to tell me 
that she has a good idea and a ardent feeling for doing something to resolve 
some of the basic problems in Mafambisse. But her group would not let her 
develop it, because there were so many other convenors there. And she felt so 
left alone with her "tema de paixao". I told her, that she does not perceive 
what the one law says. And then I pushed her a little (not really knowing why): 
You have 7 minutes left until the market opens. So if you really want to fight 
for your theme, be your own group and sell your result to the whole community, 
as all the others do. What she did. With 77 priorization votes she evidently 
stopped to believe, that she was left alone by the others. But she could hardly 
believe it. Well, that was her problem.

For the final circle one ot the participants lent me his crutched stick. (Since 
the necessary participation of the vulnerable groups of society was one of the 
results of the planning group, there were also some handicapped/challended 
people there). It was a perfect talking stick. People stood up and leaned 
comfortably on his crutch and talked about their (actually good) feelings. The 
circle lasted for three quarters of an hour. He was the last one to talk, took 
back his crutch and went then away, like all the others. But hidden in his 
crutch, he had all the good feelings of those, who had given their final words 
to the Open Space of everybody. Most of the participants got a copy of the 
digital fotos of the groups' result before leaving and going back to the 

I have to admit one thing. Let's go back to the introduction. The explanation 
of the bulletim board is no easy for illiterate people. They have to read it in 
two ways: horizontally and vertically at the same time. So the procedure of 
explanation - trilingual - cost a lot of energy. I felt, that it went down and 
down. And people wanted to eat. So I skipped the explanation of the principles 
and the law at that point. After lunch I felt, we had to go to action. So the 
agenda was produced. I hoped to be able to explain the principles, laws, 
animals later. I should have known better though. When the market had digested 
the complexity of 140 themes, they did not care for me any longer, they simply 
went to work (This may partly explain the immobile clusters which I observed 
later on).

But there had been a good presentation of the givens. The message: this 
workshop will deal with your "temas de paixao" and "what you will not do, will 
not be done here" had come through. So - not as paradoxally as my first thought 
had seen it - I could perceive the principles and the law emerge during the 
ongoing group work. And of course there were both animals around. Simply 
because they knew what they wanted and of course also because the event was not 
controlled after the groups had started their work.

Today more than anytime before, I felt, how rubust a technique this open space 
thing is. I would call each OST practitioner , who forgets to explain the basic 
principles of open space, a hopeless case. But it worked anyway.

I am actually preparing 7 large group events for district development in 5 
districts and 2 communities of Sofala province. For the first three ones, I had 
all the situational ingredients for OST. Tomorrow morning I have to get up at 
five o clock to go to Chibabawa and Machanga districts (7 hours to arrive 
there), to coach the two stakeholder-planning teams there.

I still feel the 'taste' of todays Open Space on my tongue.
Very sweet

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