Tim –
Bravo for this wonderful opportunity for you!!!
In my experience with larger groups, it’s all the
logistics/traffic/sound things of a smaller-sized OS event but bigger in
the sense that, as Joelle says, allow plenty of wall space for the
agenda wall, make the signs nice and big / make multiples of the signs,
make it very easy through signage (signs) where breakout areas are.  And
yes, as Michael and Esther say, having a team is the thing – lots of
running around and setting up and moving chairs and such from set-up to
actual event.
Opening and agenda-setting still takes the same time – I’ve never had
those two things take more than 1.25 hours, no matter how large the
group is.
Sometimes in larger events – especially if breakout places are on
different floors of a hotel or somesuch, a worksheet can help people –
they look at the agenda wall and write down some of the sessions they
want to go to on a form that shows time-slots.  But this is not in any
way necessary or specific to large-group activities – I’ve used it a few
times in the huge-location OSs I’ve done but just to try it out – can’t
really decide if it was helpful or not (!  I’m sure it was helpful for
the people it was helpful for…).  
Signage is really the thing that for me / the client takes the most
hours for preparation in a large event (larger, more of them,
duplicates, directional signage, etc.).
Regarding people posting themes in advance – my experience and intuition
say no, no, no.  Open Space is for emergent issues.  For experiencing
what is called to the circle by the group of people walking in the door
reading to jump into the open space of the Open Space.  And when a group
is forming in-person, for the telling of those issues-topics / owning of
those issues-topics in-person, in front of everyone.  It’s really
different to stand up and proclaim something in the moment and it really
is what it’s all about in the whatever-happens be-prepared framework, to
Done with my ramblings, for now,
L i s a   H e f t
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
O p e n i n g  S p a c e
2325 Oregon
Berkeley, California
94705-1106   USA
+01 510 548-8449

Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1
12209 Berlin, Germany
FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464

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