Chris --thank you for the generous gift of those stories.  Thomas King is a
favorite of mine as well.

Chris wrote:
We can choose in those situations
> to look for the answer from above, from some omnipotent deity that will
> set things right again, or we can accept the invitation of the animals:
> we don't have much, but we have a solid foundation, and with a little
> help from everyone, we can create a safe place to live.

I offer that perhaps we can do both.... seeing that deity in ourselves, in
those in our organizations, and in the animals... asking ourselves
throughout the day if we are connected.

Chris also wrote
> I think we are in a time when our stories about who we are and where we
> have come from are changing and paradigms are coming to rub against each
> other in deep ways.  OST is a process predicated on the fact that all of
> us can have a hand in creating the new world.

I am seeing stories being dropped and others embraced. Some of the stories
we spin that keep us disconnected stand in our face.  One of the most
generous moments I participated in was  year ago July with a group of
Elders -- Mayan from El Salvador, Guatelama and Mexico, Hopi, Navajo,
Mi'kmaq, Cherokee all sharing their stories of creation and prophecies and
raw bravery in embracing collective thought.

What you are saying mades great sense.  Should I experience dissonance or
contrast at "results" people -- it is a gift reflecting back to me.  I love
the difference or contrast.  My purpose here is to evolve -- and contrast or
difference is what evolves mankind.  If I experience sameness -- where is
the desire or discernment?

In Toronto last weekend a few of us played with what invitation people
answer to unleash "original voice"!  The desire to go deeper in an
organization, for me, is a maturing.  I love the event based OST's and
letting go to trust the group will proceed for its higher good. I also love
when the group asks me to assist in some way with sustaining meaningful
change.  It is something that is needed -- deeper conversations with each
other, staying even and especially when the dissonance surfaces -- building
something greater than ourselves.  I find at different times in my life I
have had the feeling of something more meaningful emerging - a call to
adventure if you will.

It is often the joy I experience on this List.  Thanks for sparking that
thought.  I took your stories with me in the woods -- sitting with the
chickadees feeding out of my hand.  Sitting in a favorite part of the
woods -- in the broken trees from hurricane Juan -- in the essence of those
trees that passed -- in the emerging energy of the rejuvenating woods,
smaller trees now absorbing sun that had been blocked.  To the crows sitting
in the trees around me.

You know which story I prefer as well <grin>

with love,

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