Hi Vona

Excellent questions! Here's my thoughts on your second question:

*2. The Law of Two Feet can give you the chance to "step out" of those
situations, which seem to be awkward and problematic but if you are
brave enough and stay there, maybe you can solve your problems. Isn't it
dangerous to step out of each situation which we find at first sight
uncomfortable or boring. Maybe it is just the temptation to escape and
avoid something.*

I've struggled with exactly this dilemma. If people leave at the first
sign of trouble, will they grow and learn? The funny thing is, that
stating the law of two feet does NOT induce people to just up and go at
the first hint of conflict. Paradoxically, people are probably more
likely to stay, and definitely more open and constructive when they know
that it is OK to leave - even if they don't use that option. Being in a
difficult situation is made infinitely worse, if you know that you can't
get out of it.

Also, stating that people are free to leave, is no more than stating a
fact. OS participants can get up and go any time they choose - I mean
nobody's tied them to their chairs. So acknowledging this fact brings us
a little closer to how things are, brings us more in tune with reality,
than saying "You have to stay for the entire session".

This is one of those paradoxical situations, where your actions actually
achieve the opposite of what you might think, ie. where reminding people
of their freedom to leave, probably makes it more likely that they stay :o)



Alexander Kjerulf

+45 2688 2373
Arena, Norrebrogade 14B, 1. sal
2200 Copenhagen N.

Vona Andrea wrote:

Dear EVerybody experienced in Open Space,

I am doing a research o n the use of O.S. in the Catholic church. It
is connected to an O.S .even held last autumn in Hungary. I've made
several interviews with the participants and many quesitons arouse. If
you have any ideas, opinions about the following quesitons. Feel free
to answer.

1. If the participants do not know much about O.S. in advance, they
can bring up a topic, but can they take responsibility for their topic
if they did not have the chance to prepare for that topic?

2. The Law of Two Feet can give you the chance to "step out" of those
situations, which seem to be awkward and problematic but if you are
brave enough and stay there, maybe you can solve your problems. Isn't
it dangerous to step out of each situation which we find at first
sight uncomfortable or boring. Maybe it is just the temptation to
escape and avoid something.

3. Have you ever participated in an O.S. in religious context? What
was your experience?

4. Many religious people expect guidance from the church. But in an
O.S. everybody can bring up topics and there is no guidance. IN a
religious context people need spiritual guidance, they want to be
filled with words and want to be supported. How can O.S. work for
these type of people?

I look forward to any replies.

Best wishes, Andrea Vona, University of Economic Sciences, Budapest,


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