Gabriela wrote:< I would love to hear about further steps ...> 
So would I!
Thank you for sharing
Best wishes for your work
-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of
Gabriela Ender
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: 16 European countries represented in first OST expereince
Dear Christine,
Congratulation to you and your colleagues!!! Thank you for sharing this
wonderful story!
Much success for you and for an ongoing open space story with this
I would love to hear about further steps ...
Cheers from Berlin!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Christine Whitney Sanchez <>  
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 12:07 AM
Subject: 16 European countries represented in first OST expereince OST
Dear Friends,

Today, at Rolduc, a 12th century abbey in the Netherlands, two of the
most innovative leaders in La Leche League (LLL)of Europe conducted the
first OST meeting at their European Mastery Symposium.  Department heads
from 16 European countries (Slovenia, Hungary, Greece, France, Belgium,
Luxemburg, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, UK, Ireland, Italy, Spain,
Netherlands, Switzerland) and the USA have come together to share best
practices and discuss ways to grow their organization.

Of course, it was a fabulous success - they are sitting with me right
now as I write to you, feeling shy about telling you just how exciting
this is.  Genevieve Treille and Christine Koehler from France said,
"nous avons du nous battre" ( we  had to fight) to offer a full day
option of OST along side the more traditional workshops that were being
offered at this educational event.

Their OST theme was: Collaborating and working together in order to
enhance our effectiveness."  Out of the total 80 participants in the
symposium, 25 sat in the opening circle and posted 13 topics over three

At midday, there was a palpable buzz in the air but not due to any
bumble bees, because leaving a session was felt to be too impolite.
Some of the participants reported that they were holding the law of two
feet in their minds but weren't quite ready today.

During the closing circle, other women who were not there for the
opening, came to find out what all the excitement was about.  All
together nearly half of the women from the event were exposed to OST.
Already the Chair of LLL Germany has decided to conduct their entire
National Conference as an Open Space.

One of the women who came to the closing, "borrowed" the sticky wall to
hold her next session in Open Space.  Buzzzzzzz.

Personally, I am excited because colleagues and I from the Chaordic
Commons have been consulting with La Leche League International to help
develop a distributed system, seed a more appreciative culture and, of
course, to encourage self-organizing.  Today, many leaders had the
personal experience of just how natural this is to their organization.
I am so moved by listening to these women, nearly all speaking English
as a second language, sharing what has heart and meaning for them.  I
have the sense that this is part of the magic, too.  Their passion is
grounded as they slow down to choose just the right words to express
what they mean.  Our national ambassadors could learn much from these
dedicated women about authentic communication.    

Christine Koehler says that this experience proved to the participants
that self-organizing is not just for dreamers or just talking to be
talking.  It worked wonderfully as a training for the new Department
Heads from Eastern Europe.  One of the conference organizers had been
worried that the hosts of the sessions would not be properly prepared
nor would they have adequate materials.  But just the right people came
to each session J   

Genevieve says, "I thought it was magic, because at the beginning,
everyone was worried that there would be no subjects posted.  But as
soon as one person posted a topic, one after another came forward."

One of Christine's innovations:  During the report outs, she read a
title of a discussion and then placed the paper with the session topic
in the center of the circle so that by the end, the circle was holding
the intelligence of the discussions in a very tangible form.

In the closing circle, they asked for words that represented the
experience - renewed, energized, connected, focused, going to the point.
And guess what?  They were not surprised.  This is how they always work
when they are at home. 

Some of the comments heard in the halls afterward were:

"This was like putting on a coat that fits."

"I'm really excited about what we did today.  I have the impression it's
the first time we worked so deeply."

"I felt incredible - it is really exciting because when you "prepare" a
typical conference session, you never really know if people are there
because they have to be there.  With this process, you know that people
come because they want to be there and you have the passion for the
topic so it is more interesting.

"We should have done this for the whole EMS meeting."

"I am happy to be able to discuss what is important to me."

Genevieve and Christine K. want everyone to know that they are lurkers
on this list and appreciate all that they are learning from everyone.
In particular, Christine would like to thank Tova for recently writing
up the experience with the Israeli company because she shared that post
with an Israeli La Leche League Leader.


In ten days, these two dynamos are participating in an OST meeting to
create the Open Space Institute in France.  Please feel free to contact
them directly:

Au revoir and many blessings to you all,

Genevieve Treille
Christine Koehler
Christine Whitney Sanchez

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Mayke – One way to handle the problem with “senior people” is to make
sure that you have had a conversation with them BEFORE the OS starts. In
most cases if you explain how it is all going to work and how essential
it is for everybody to have a chance to speak, I find there is usually
no problem. Also, as you may remember, Open Space was “born” in Africa.
I spent some long time in West Africa working with a variety of people,
mostly the Kpelle in Liberia. My inspiration for the circle in Open
Space came from my time with them. And I think there is a real point
here – for most people in Africa (certainly tribal people) Open Space
will seem very natural. In fact they have names for it. In Liberia it
was called Palaver, and I think in Southern Africa it is called Indaba –
but Valerie can tell you about that (also say hi to her). In Liberia
when there was some major issue to be dealt with, everybody would sit in
a circle, sometimes the whole village – and EVERYBODY talked, and
usually one at a time. The people would say, “Never let the Sun set on a
Palaver” – which meant we don’t stop talking until it is over. When it
was over, the chief elder would say the final word, usually some parable
or saying that captured what the consensus was. Up to that point it was
not uncommon for that elder to sit in silence for hours. Just holding
the space. I don’t know where you are, or what groups you are working
with, but I would be willing to bet that they already know a lot more
about Open Space than you think. If so, all you have to do is to open
the space and let them, get on with what they would do naturally. I have
also had a very similar experience here in the US when doing OS with
First Nation People. At first they thought it was some strange new white
magic. I guess the name threw them – or the fact that I am white made
them sure that whatever I might do was going to be strange. But it
usually only took about 20 min and they forgot all the strangeness and
felt right at home. I remember one Navajo Chief coming up to me after
the 1st day saying “What took you so long, White Man?” He said it with a
smile. This strange, new, wonderful thing called Open Space had actually
been in native tradition from the beginning. We (white people) were only
just catching on.
Have fun!
Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, Maryland   20845
Phone 301-365-2093
Open Space Training
Open Space Institute
Personal website 
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-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Mayke
Wagner, essence
Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2004 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: AW: Open Space experience with African countries
Hi Holger, 
thanks for getting me in touch with Valerie and also for sharing your
experience with OST with African participants. 
The first aspect you mentioned ("To my experience so far, you should not
fall into the African ³trap² that everything needs to be discussed at
length. So, after you have introduced the rules, do not accept any
discussions but open the market place immediately.") makes perfectly
sense to me. 
For the second aspect ("You might also run into slight problems if there
are some senior people who want their status to be honored.") I am
wondering how you deal with that. In terms of space invasion I can
imagine possible ways to deal with this. Do you have any other
recommendations for this specific situation? What did you do? And what
did other people do who found themselves in this specific situation?

Thanks for your support and your willingness to share. I am very
impressed by the openness and the readiness to invite newcomers to the
OST community!
Happy trails,
essence - Beratung, Training, Coaching
Mayke Wagner
Hanser 3
88279 Amtzell
Tel (+49) 07520 / 9232 02
visit us:  <>

Von: Change Management Toolbook <>
Antworten an: OSLIST <>
Datum: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 10:06:09 +0100
Betreff: [OSLIST] AW: Open Space experience with African countries
Hello Mayke, 

I will have a short training session on Open Space in South Africa next
week. I will give you feed back once I am back. 

To my knowledge one of the leading OST specialists in Africa is Valerie
Morris from Cape Town. I am copying your message to her and you might
contact her if you wish. 

To my experience so far, you should not fall into the African ³trap²
that everything needs to be discussed at length. So, after you have
introduced the rules, do not accept any discussions but open the market
place immediately. You might also run into slight problems if there are
some senior people who want their status to be honoured. 

Michael P Pannwitz, can we send her Theo¹s dissertation? 



Dr. Holger Nauheimer 


Rosenheimer Str. 5 

10781 Berlin 

Tel. +49-30-219 684 49 

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: OSLIST []Im Auftrag von Mayke
Wagner, essence
Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. März 2004 08:19
Betreff: Open Space experience with African countries 

Hello from springtime Germany,

I have my first Open Space Conference coming up in April and Lisa
encouraged me to make use of the expertise and experience of all of you!

The Open Space will take place in Nairobi, Kenya and we will have
participants from Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and Sounth
Africa. The topic will be "Towards Sustainability of Healthcare
Technology Systems" with participants being stakeholders, decision
makers, and maintenance staff from all levels (national, regional,
district, facility) of the healthcare technology system.
My question is whether - from your experience - there are certain
cultural aspects I need to consider. Do you have any experience with /
recommendations for this group of participants?

Looking forward to your ideas and stories,

essence - Beratung, Training, Coaching
Mayke Wagner
Hanser 3
88279 Amtzell
Tel (+49) 07520 / 9232 02
visit us:  <> 

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