"chris weaver" <ch...@springbranch.net> schrieb:
> oslist could have other core purposes.  perhaps oslist has had other core
> purposes.  perhaps it does.  it is clear to me that birgitt's posting is not
> about fear of the free exchange of ideas, nor is it about emotional hurt,
> except in the way that vulnerability shared is always a finger pointing to
> something important.  i suggest we look deeply.
> with love,
> chris

Birgitt, Lisa, Michael H, Therese, Chris,

I am a little shy this time to enter the exchange because this subject seems so 
delicate and important - and you have chosen your words very thoughtfully. I 
hope I can express myself the way I want to in this foreign language.

I see thruth and passion and responsibility in the postings of all of you. And 
my point of view has changed and developed during these days. And on a long 
walk I took this evening I wondered if should take part.

And then Chris, with your posting quoted above, you made me ask myself: "Where 
is this finger pointing?" For me the finger is pointing to

   * the way we interact with eachother *

more than to the subjects or the ideas or the free exchange.

At first I didn't mind having the archieves open. One of the things I love on 
this list is the free sharing of thoughts an ideas. And I am totally convinced 
that this opening was done with best purpose by you, Michael (H), and I am 
grateful for the work you are doing to make this list possible.

On the other hand I know from my own experience that if I put a lot of work in 
a project I sometimes tend to try leading the project into the direction I am 
wishing to go and leave others behind who are not as involved in the 
every-day-business. If this happens, some of them complain others just draw 
back. And in the end the energy for the whole thing is going down.

Coming back to the list: Birgitt wrote in her last posting she misses a 
decision-making-process. And I do as well. And I miss the question to the list 
if we agree or disagree to include whatever is new to the FAQ's.

Things went to fast and I feel put to accomplished facts. Even if I know those 
of you who acted did this with as much love and compassion for open space as I 
could ever wish for.

Here my suggestions:
Michael, could you close the archieves at the moment and let us start anew?
Chris, could you send the FAQ's as a proposition and ask the rest of us if we 

With love,

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