`"...immediately privileges the
quantifiable over the qualifiable"- Indeed "tricky"!

I always supposed it to be the other way round. To have a look on what I
want to qualify and then searching for the right scale for what I should
quantify..so, my focus implies also a "hierarchy of results, I'm getting by
fixing the scale: Meta-, meso-, or microlevel? -Quite an interesting idea,
to talk about "compounds" -I had taken in consideration the idea, that any
kind of thematically orientated process depends much on the contextual
field, which  "sourrounds" the process, taking part ,- and that even the
intention, to find out about this "fieldforces" can alterate the process a
lot... the order of interventions, techniques, questions, or statements can
change considerably, which quality of results I will get..Therefore, I find
quite interesting the way, Gestalt, or morphologic psychology deals with
"measurement"..(and of course, it's a reason,why I'm with OST also)
I like the image of dealing with "compounds"
It also sounds good to me, that it's not a solution, just to turn round the
way of (e)valuation. -Sounds, like: The very first thing, you do, is putting
out the fire and then you try to find out about it's qualities :-)
So, where can I found out more about the "standard batteries", which had
been mentioned?
Very interesting to me. I'm dealing with this principles, like "win-win-win
(the sourrounding network also wins), with trust, with a motivation
check-formula, which is a factor of intrinsic motivation in relationship to
extrinsic motivation on individuals in group orientated processes - and last
not least, a support-network of about a hundred persons.
In this moment, I'm just trying, to imagine, how there can be combined an OS
with AI summit and future search (common ground) -elements in a (physical,
not virtual) 3 1/2-day network-meeting event....(also about the
"basket/container-theme, which is present in this network also)
So, I wonder, how you would deal with this so called standard batteries in
relation to an OST-event..as there was mentioned in the beginning, there is
just a little "box of pandora" with the measurement and validation... : -)


> Chris Corrigan wrote
> Measurement uber alles is tricky because it immediately privileges the
> quantifiable over the qualifiable.  And certainly, we need to measure
> things, but I'm leering of forcing qualitative experiences into
> measurement-friendly formats.  By necessity it strips what is most
> important about the experience.
> How do we measure the effect an OST meeting has on a person that has
> suddenly seen the possibilities offered by truly self-organizing work
> teams?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Chris Macrae
> For 20 years researching social and organisational identities I was
> weary about measuring organisational relationships, but then the
> mathematician in me woke up. Measurements don't just determine what you
> get but what human systems compound. With deep respect (open communing
> once freed up everywhere that 95% of management techniques destroy it
> (to interpret a Harrison one-liner) is a far more creative/human thing
> than measurement) BUT its way too late to turn global valuation systems
> round UNLESS we change measurement around
> So for example the direct answer to your OST question is very easy
> There are now standard batteries on the main emotions : happiness ,
> trust, courage etc
> Take those before and after an OST intervention in an organisation;
> happiness ought to go up if the intervention had anything to do with
> cultivating self-organising. Reason joy of learning is the number 1
> self-organising energy according to 15000 interview on Flow done at
> Peter Drucker's Claremont by a professor whose name I can never spell
> but is begins Csik.
> Turns out the positive win-win emotions are a good health check of how
> hi-trust relationships are being organised around here; and hi-trust
> (=goodwill) compounds the vast majority of any networked organisation's
> future
> SO
> More broadly with our open source work www.valuetrue.com   we feel
> confident that all you all need to do is tell a story that begins
> something like this:
> The Future is now measurable
> It is impossible to govern an interactive world by separable numbers.
> The harder you try the more likely you are to do an Andersen to your
> organisation's valuation. Moreover, without maps of organisational
> networks a strategy isn't interactively worth the paper its printed on.
> These mathematical facts present leadership teams with the greatest
> opportunities and threats ever to have confronted big organisations.
> Fortunately, the necessary transformation : mapping human relationships
> that connect goodwill systems together is very simple to do provided you
> cultivate a hi-trust climate and benchmark transparently with your
> biggest partners. Welcome to the Network Age of Value Multiplication of
> Business and Societal Organisational Designs. Sorry it took our systems
> club 21 years to work out the maths of global & local networking, but
> better late than never. chris & norman macrae
> wcbn...@easynet.co.uk
> *
> *
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