
 << I was just
 << making room for the fact that something happens in that space where
 << being/doing, individual/collective intersect.

This again suggests to me a rounded shape--or perhaps a diamond. The
rounded suggests the aperture on an eye or a camera lens: as it opens wider
there is more emergence.

(This is backwards though, I guess, because if divergence were larger, then
the aperture would be smaller, and vice versa. Oh well, analogies always
break down somewhere!)

Or maybe a three dimensional figure, like an American football. The more
you pull the outer surface on the reflection side, the more air you pull
inside the football. And this results in a larger convergence side--more

 << Interesting your question about widening the gap leading to greater
 << emergence.  I can see how the picture takes you there.  So, I'm curious
 << what you see in this.

Well, I asked the question first! But here goes: This is an opening for the
wind to blow where it will. So the size of the opening is less important
than that there is an opening. And enlarging the divergence side resulting
in more emergence and consequently more convergence, makes sense in what we
see "in the room." It at least leads to a more rich convergence possibility
if not actuality.

So you see the key to emergence as the personal is the universal, then? And
that being seeded with a juicy question?

And then we are back to something I have been keying on lately: conflict is
healthy and essential in group work and especially OST. I see this too in
Harrison's work on Practice of Peace. Why is conflict/divergence/diversity
so essential? How could we turn on this firehose and then point it in the
direction of self-organization? It looks like your diagram shows it is
there and opens the spigot. What is our responsibility before, during and
after turning on the water?


Could you say a little more about how the sphere suggests a hologram in
this case?

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