
Sorry I didn't read your message in time to offer another idea for the mix
you had to work with.  Something I frequently do with one day OS's is ask
the people who take responsibility for session notes to e-mail them to me or
whomever is esponsible for the report.  This makes for pretty high quality
notes since they have time to create their report when they aren't thinking
about rushing to another session.

The logistics that seem to make this work is setting at most a  48-hour
turnaround time for the notes, making sure they have the e-mail address
where the notes need to go...and when people arrive for the reflection
circle at the end of the day, I pass a sheet of paper with 3 columns --
topic name, convenor, e-mail address. This important sheet lets me or
whomever puts the report together know how many reports to expect.  They can
send a reminder if the report hasn't arrived in 48 hours.  In a few years of
doing this, I can only think of twice when someone has committed to sending
notes and not done so.

In short, it seems to work well and produce great notes.

from Seattle, where the rains have finally arrived,

P.S.  I NEVER type notes for people.  I see this as such an important aspect
of people taking responsibility.  Compiling the notes into a report (whether
digital photos of flip charts, computers in the room, or e-mai).  As a
product of the collective, this makes sense to me.  The individual reports,
though, that strikes me as the realm of the people in the sessions.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Culhane" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 4:40 PM
Subject: [OSLIST] An easy decision after all

> Thanks to all who responded to my quandary yesterday evening - easily a
half dozen
> through the list or directly. Curiously enough, this event was going to be
> regardless.
> I'm currently one small cog in a large corporate wheel, which means that
when I need a
> printer, the lads in IT point to a desk and say "there's six - take one".
They are
> excellent, and usually all of the hardware is ready, with all cords,
cables, etc. Well! I
> just finished setting up the room, and printed off the first page (the
list of attendees,
> for them to modify to correct contact info)...and the printer's almost out
of ink! Had
> this been any other OS, I'd be running around Toronto right now trying to
find an ink
> cartridge for a six year old printer, or more likely, buying a new one!
However, given
> the past 24 hours' tips and worries. I will offer the
participants to
> document their discussions as they wish - using the templates I offer
and/or flip charts
> and/or blank paper, as it suits their needs. Whatever they give to me, I
will post for
> all to read in the newsroom. At the end of the event, I'll take it all
home, scan or
> photograph whatever makes sense to, transcribe the rest, and present a
book of
> proceedings to the host.
> Also curiously, three attendees had to drop out at the last moment
(today); all emailed
> to ask me to send them I guess I was going to do a book
of proceedings
> tomorrow, just I needed to learn a new way.
> Thank you all for the new knowledge.
> Two little tidbits from my day:
> 1) I use painter's tape to tape the laws, AGENDA, NEWS, etc. to the wall.
The tape is
> green. On some of the pages I taped up, I ran two strips top and bottom.
On others, I
> boxed the page in - tape on all four sides. I stood back and looked at the
room, and the
> boxed in ones just didn't feel right - so I retaped them (thanks to
painter's tape) with
> two strips, top and bottom - and they look more open. Not a major point,
but just an
> interesting tidbit about creating the space.
> 2) I got on the elevator with three golfers from Colorado, USA (note, I'm
in Canada). One
> said to the other two, "You know what surprises me the most? They drive on
the same side
> of the road we do!" That was my chuckle for the day. Boy, it would make
all those
> international bridges between our two countries darned tricky if you had
to switch sides
> halfway across.
> Best wishes to all.
> Phil Culhane
> *
> *
> ==========================================================
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