It strikes me that Raffi's list is less about OS than personal preference. We 
certainly all have to make our choices, but personally I would not have any 
problem opening space for the folks mentioned. Indeed, I think I already have, 
and in fact I have done the same with organizations that might seem infinitely 
worse. My reasons are several fold. First, it has been my experience that in 
Open Space the strangest sorts of people begin to treat each other with 
respect, find that integrity and authenticity are not only  useful, but 
actually feel good (despite any immediate pain), begin to experience their 
world as an infinitely connected place -- and not their private domain. And 
much more.  From where I sit, these sorts of learnings are invaluable if we are 
to have a less toxic, fearful and destructive world. Most important, these are 
"experiences of" and not "words about" -- and experience beats 
words/precepts/admonitions every day of the week. A second reason I would not 
hesitate to open space for such folks is that I don't really believe that the 
space is ours to give or withhold. It belongs to everybody already. I know that 
folks have and will thank me for a gift -- but in truth it is a gift they 
already possess, and if I have done anything, it is only to remind them of that 
fact. In a word, I can't really think of any situation where I would not open 
space given the opportunity. 

The oppportunity to open space for some group is for me a profound honor and 
privilege. But not all opportunities are appropriate for me. If I find that my 
personal space is closed as far as that group or organization is concerned -- 
for whatever reason -- I can't really do the job. And continuing under those 
circumstances would be, in my judgement, a major violation of principle, not 
mention ethics! Reduced to its simplest terms, the fundamental question for me 
is -- Is the space really open? And if not, is there a reasonable possibility 
to Space might be opened. If my space is closed, I am obviously not the person 
for the job , although somebody else might be. And if the space is closed in an 
organization by official dictate uttered by the superior Control Freak -- there 
is not too much room to work in. And worse yet, if it becomes clear that the 
interest in Open Space is just another word for control -- well. . . 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Raffi Aftandelian 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 2:03 AM
  Subject: Re: ethics and OST

  I am reposting this message because it seems like it didn't go thru...

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Raffi Aftandelian 
  Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 9:39 PM
  Subject: re: ethics and OST

  I did a cursory search of the OS list archives, and the impression I have is 
the ethics question has only been somewhat "plumbed".

  Phil, you ask what are some ways OST can be destructive?

  -Building more McDonald's restaurants- how we can sustain expansion of this 
  -Conducting OS with any corporation which has had a history of 
discrimination, crowding out small business, etc.
  -Would you agree to conduct (if you were in the US) an OS to explore how to 
mobilize volunteers to help elect Bush? Or any candidate with whom you don't 

  I have never taken a course in ethics or anything along those lines. Maybe 
there are folks on-list who might have a framework the guides them on the 
ethics issue.

  Maybe the examples I have listed as "destructive" are not necessarily 

  Still ponderously,

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