I'm old fashioned when it comes to vision. I believe that people
actually need to take time to be quiet and Visualize. In order for
vision to become a compelling force, it has to be created from the inner
minds and hearts of the participants. People can word smith later but,
in my opinion,  to develop a vision at the word level alone is a waste
of time - similarly with the mission and or purpose statement.

Don Ferretti
530.889.6763 (fax)

>>> k...@napuk.demon.co.uk 11/29/04 10:44AM >>>
Dear Jennifer Hurley

In my context, a vision is the bridge from the present to the future.
It ought to meet the following criteria:

1. Clear enough to be understandable
2. Realistic enough to be achievable
3. Achievable enough to be believable
4. Inspirational enough to be motivational

Once a future direction is agreed, it can be broken down into
manageable objectives for which strategies can be devised.

Anyway, that's how I approach the vexing challenge of visioning,
which has been called. among other things, applied imagination.  On
the other hand, when I start hearing people talk about "mission
statements," I run for the hills.


Kerry Napuk
Open Futures

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