Funda and Harrison:

Harrison Owen <> wrote:
Funda -- since the organizations involved are Christian, I would guess that
something about the Love of Christ might show up -- but I think you could
substitute the Love of Allah and arrive at the same place. Actually I think
the love humanity would do just as well.

This is very interesting. American's are so imersed in the American culture 
(and that is quite normal I must say) that they: (1) don't even see any more 
the culture that is arround them; (2) don't even undrestood that things they 
take for granted can be offensive to other people(s)..

In this case, Funda was uppset with the reference to Christ. Myself being from 
"old Europe" have been educated in a culture where religion MUST be separated 
from the State, from Science and from all intelectual discussions - except 
theological ones. This is not only because I am an atheist; my catholic 
education told me to "never use the name of God in vain", and to not use Him to 
support my ambitions, opinions or prejudices.

So, Harrison, it is not that "Actually I think the love for humanity would do 
just as well". It is that "the love for humanity should be the only thing to 
refer" on that matter.


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