Funda Oral <> wrote

« Moreover, i really wish that we (humanity) come to a point where the well 
being of humanity comes first before anything
(allah, god, christ, mohamed etc...)....».

As I am a bit more radical (and impolite) than Funda, I would rephrase as 

Moreover, i really wish that we (humanity) come to a point where the well being 
of humanity comes first before anything.  (full stop!).

And that matters, reasonings and justifications about allah, god, christ, 
mohamed etc... will be held exclusively in churches, mesquites, synagogues, etc 
or in spaces specifically devoted to religion. I hope that sometime in the near 
future, any reference to religious matters in public spaces devoted to other 
subjects or to support political, ideological or professional options  will be 
considered so abnormal as if someone discusses, say, one's private sexual life 
in public...


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