What an interesting question; wouldn't mind continuing discussion
iteratively as we are talking about the connection of the 2 subjects
that most arouse my curiosity open space and governance

Well I think there's the true story which needs watering down for
5-minute version

If open space at its deepest takes everyone through conflict by removing
the confusion of the leadership team that are still controlling one
thing in a way that used to be perfect but that has changed, and because
they didn't detect the change, chaos forces have compounded around the
conflict for many cycles then most big governance organisations are
today there conflict deep

What did the leadership team fail to change in the way they governed?
1) They didn't change their measures or economics or systems to put
people at the centre of organisations which is what the service economy
revolution should have done but didn't (nb people are still costs to cut
in all accounting books) - that's why self-organising methods are never
sustained when governance shreds them

2) Then they didn't change measures when organisations stopped being
islands because they needed global and local network partners because
globally networked markets cant be best served by any single

3) And they didnt change governance so as to get the best of hierarchy &
self-organising & networking across boundaries

Failing to make these changes has led to many other problems:

Most organisations are now run by siloised professions who acre only for
their budget not how they connect with other disciplines; ie
communications doesn't connect

And if you are ruled by American lawyers you are under a duty to
compound maximum conflicts with societal good by doing numbers that only
speculators will benefit from - fortunately you don't need to take my
word for that - you can see the documentary of the Canadian scholar of
law at www,thecorporation.com

-now since .coms have become governed in ways that are so ruinous to
people's spirits they have spun their transactional power over both .gov
and .ngo

and we have a wee system problem to overcome if we are to regain
transparency with open space and kindred methods

chris macrae
club of London


welcoming other cities who want to openly co-syndicate new governance

-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] On Behalf Of
Christine Whitney Sanchez
Sent: 09 March 2005 18:58
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Subject: elevator speech

Hi Everyone,

I have been given 5 minutes, at a meeting next week, to "brief" 300
CEO's about Open Space.  Do you have a favorite elevator speech that has
helped people understand the essence and application of OS?  I'm
especially eager for any thoughts about the relationship between OS and

Thanks in advance, for anything you can share.

Christine Whitney Sanchez
Triune Milagro, LTD
VISIT OUR WEBSITE:   <http://www.triunemilagro.com/>
Invoking the wisdom and capacity of the human spirit!

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