This is a great story, Chris,
just been thinking in which way to approach the Mayor of Berlin!
And we do have an impressive list of people that have passed through
Ask Mayor Lisa Barrett, whether she will put something about that in
the www for Bowen Island.
If so, we can link that to the "General Links" section on the
WorldMap for
Canada PDT. (and she can place the WorldMap link into the Bowen
Island site, of course).
By the way, you can also tell her to have a look at
where she can actually see
Elena Marchuk in the Russian Federation
Toke Paludan Moeller in Denmark
Avner Haramati in Israel
Lisa Heft in USA PDT
Michael Herman USA CDT

And invite her to come to Halifax.

Greetings from Berlin

PS: If you install a "Stammtisch" in Bowen Island, more people will
drop by...the next date is May 2nd (the first Monday of every odd
month at 7 pm),
Stammtische have been established in Budapest, Berlin, Augsburg, Bern
and other places around the planet...

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 22:00:52 -0800, Chris Corrigan wrote:

>I'm collecting OST facilitators here on Bowen far list
>members Joelle Everett, Elena Marchuk, Toke Paludan Moeller, Avner
>Haramati, Tenneson Wolf, Lisa Heft, Michael Herman and Ashley Cooper
>have all been here.  My mayor, and I kid you not, thinks that Bowen
>Island should become a centre of excellence for Open Space Technology.
> With that kind of talent stopping by, I think we're well on the
>The rest of you are welcome anytime!
>On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 19:47:02 -0600, Lisa Heft <> 
>> Hi, folks -
>> Chris Corrigan wrote:
>> BE the enthusiasm you FEEL for the process.
>> That's what Lisa Heft teaches me!  :-)
>> - - -
>> Chris, dear - thanks for the kindness.  Yep, I find that it's all about
>> preparation, intention, faith and enthusiasm...oh yes, and a really
>> amazing process and some incredibly courageous people ready to jump into
>> the unknown...together...
>> Warm greetings from rainy Berkeley, California (I have a photo of the
>> view from Chris Corrigan's island as my computer's
>> have to visit him sometime - it's beautiful...)
>> ___________________________
>> L i s a   H e f t
>> Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
>> O p e n i n g  S p a c e
>> 2325 Oregon
>> Berkeley, California
>> 94705-1106   USA
>> +01 510 548-8449
>> *
>> *
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