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list takes attachments out ? I paste it in this mail (below)


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                         Invitation for an
                     Open Space Training

               By Carla Vliex and Gerard Muller
                        June 22nd-23rd, 2005


Open Space Technology creates a simple but powerful framework within which large groups organise themselves to very effectively deal with highly complex and controversial issues – while having fun and developing learning networks rapidly.

It works in any kind of organisation, with the most unlikely combinations of people. Under which conditions and how does it work ? Why does it work so well ? What impact does it have on organisations and systems by which it is used, and what factors does this impact depend on ? What kind of organisations, processes and posisbilities are emerging in and through Open Space which were not there before ? What does Open Space imply for my own leadership/facilitation style ?

The training is structured around three paralel processes.
Each participant works with a specific Open Space event as a case.

In the first process, we go through the different steps involved in preparation, facilitation and follow-up of an Open Space event. In the second prcocess, we analyse and discuss different ways to handle the different steps; In the third process mor general issues like the ones mentioned in the second paragraph are explored mor in depth.

The Four Principles
-       Whoever comes, are the right people
-       Whatever happens, is the only thing that could have
-       It begins when it begins        
-       When it’s over, it’s over

Law of Two feet
If, during the course of the gathering, any person finds him or herself in a situation where they are neither learning nor contributing, they must use their two feet and go to some more productive place.

Objectives and Program

What can you expect from this training ?
By the end of the training :
- You know exactly when (not) to use Open Space Technology; you have prepared - an event: have defined the exact theme, have decided who should be invited, have planned all practiical and logistical aspects, etc.
-       You are able to have a genral sense of probable outcomes
- You are able to position Open Space events within larger change processes
-       You know how to open the space – and keep it open
- You know how to recognise patterns in the meeting and to discuss these in a productive way with the sponsor
-       You know how to effectively discuss follow-up with the sponsor

On Day one we focus on thye principles of Open Space, the role of the facilitator and creating the connection with participants’ work.

On Day two we systematically go through the different steps in preparing, facilitating and hndling follow-up of an Open Space Event, and apply this on the specific events participants have selected:
-       is the theme sufficiently important ?
-       are conditions for organising an Open Space event in place ?
- does the client understand the implications: is the support base strong enough ?
-       how do we create realistic expectations ?
-       how much time is needed ?
-       preparing yourself and opening the Space: exercising !!
-       how do you create an inspiring invitation ?
-       how to decide who should be invited ?
-       what is your role during the event ?
-       how to close the event in a good way ?
-       how to you discuss and plan follow-up activities ?

To discuss the most important issues left by the end of Day two, we have a brief Open Space.

After these two days, participants facilitate the events planned, and we meet again on a follow-up day. Here we focus on systematically reflecting on experiences gained, discussing in depth questions which have emerged, And finalising personal plans on how to proceed with Open Space Technology.


Gerard Muller (1952) is a management consultant who has facilitated some 500 events with larger groups (up to 600 participants), some 250 of which with Open Space Technology. He has completed assignments all over the world, for clients like AKZO-Nobel, Alfa Laval, Astra Zeneca, Bestseller, Canon, Dow Chemical, Fujitsu, Microsoft, Price Waterhouse Coopers and Shell. In the non profit “arena” for a number of Government Departments, Provincies, large cities, universities, labour unions and hospitals. Gerard is the founder of Open Space Institute Denmark and has taught a series of courses on Open Space Technology, one of which together with Harrison Owen, originator of
Open Space Technology.

Carla Vliex (1960) works as a senior consultant Twynstra Gudde Management Consultants. She mainly works with organisational development (change management) and management development.

Carla works with client, often stockmarket ones, in energy, professional services, ICT-sector, government and a number of not-for profitorganisations.
She often uses  Large Scale Events in her work, specifically Open Space.
Examples in 2003 included an Open Space for a Water Board, and one for Unicef in Yougouslavia. She has among others cooperated with Harrison Owen.


When ?
The first module is on June 22nd and 23th, 2005.. The date for the follow-up day will
be fixed at the end of the first module.

Location and price ?
We have a wonderful old renovated farm at our disposal, where you will find influences of Steiner and Gaudi. Environmentally friendly methods have been used and the pool is kept clean in a natural way. Have a look at:


Conferentieoord Morgenstern
Witzand 4
7244 MC Barchem
tel: 0573-441920

In “Morgenstern” the number of single rooms is limited. Costs for a single room Are 1.550 euro ( exclusive of VAT) . A shared room is 1.475 euro exclusive of VAT. (inclusive VAT this is 1844,50 euro and 1775,25 eur). These amounts cover course fee,
all materials, accommodation, coffee, fee and al meals.
You are registered when your payment has come in on the Dutch Postal Girobank account no. 1029919 c/o Drs. G.D. Muller, Oudwijkerdwarsstraat 28, 3581 LE Utrecht, The Netherlands/. If you want to join, send us an E-mail, and we’ll send you an invoice with details.

Whoever are the first, are the  right people!

Who can participate  ?
Anyone who wants to host or facilitate an Open Space Event.
We suggest you select a specific event you would like to facilited in the coming couple of months. It’s not a problem if you have no agreement on this yet or or certain the event will happen, but we invite you to choose a specific opportunity you an work with during the training.

Questions ?

Drop us a line, or give us a call:

Carla Vliex:                                                    Gerard Muller:
E-mail,                                               E-mail:
tel: (0031) 6 53927407  tel: (0031) 30-2520486
or (0045) 21269621

On May 13, 2005, at 10:45 AM, Funda Oral wrote:

prg is not attached
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gerard Muller" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 11:12 AM
Subject: Training in Open Space

Dear All,

On June 22nd and 23rd, Carla Vliex and I will conduct another training
in OST in Holland.
The program is attached.

If you know of anyone who might be interested in this training,
please spread this information around !

Greetings from Denmark,

Gerard Muller
Open Space Institute
Phone: (+45) 21269621

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