One of the recurrent themes showing up here on OSLIST and more recently in 
Halifax at OSONOS with a continuation in a marvelous project initiated by 
Birgitt Williams to gather and preserve the Story of OS -- has been community, 
are we such a thing, and what would that mean anyhow? Personally, I have always 
been more than a little mystified as to what drives this discussion. At one 
level, I find myself being quite content with the simple minded view, "We are 
what we are." If this constitutes "community" that is wonderful. If it doesn't, 
that is fine too.  But in either case, I take great pleasure in the ongoing 
associations, interactions, comaraderie, and  support of this curious band of 
folks who have chosen over the years to explore the world of Open Space or 
maybe better -- explore the Open Space of the world.  I can certainly see great 
value in exploring the nature of our life together very much in the manner of 
doing a natural history, which is what I understand Brigitt to have proposed, 
and I salute her for the effort. And by any reasonable standards it is 
certainly a remarkable story. Constantly changing in terms of participants, 
size, focus, interests -- the "X" group (to avoid for the moment that wonderful 
word, "community") has existed for 20 years, convened innumerable gatherings 
for training, research and sharing. Provided support and sustenance to millions 
of people all across the globe which seemingly includes them, if only for the 
duration of an "event" within the totally permiable boundaries of the X Group. 
Some choose to remain, others choose to go -- and many seem hardly aware that 
they were, ""inside" of anything -- but they do know, and will never forget, 
that they were touched. Very odd, especially considering the fact that there 
has been only the merest wisp of formal structure and a leadership that is most 
obvious in its absense -- and yet it all works. At least it has certainly 
worked for me.

Coming to a deeper understanding of what has transpired in our midst (wherever 
that might be) can only be rewarding. But is this community? I think so, but I 
must admit that it really doesn't make any difference to me. I like things just 
the way they are -- knowing that they (things) are constantly changing and will 
never been the same. Permanence doesn't seem to be part of the picture except 
for the curious phenomenon that everytime space is opened "it" happens. Strange.


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Dr.
Potomac, MD  20854
207-763-3261 (summer)

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