Dear colleagues,

I just came back from Kherson, where I had the opportunity to facilitate an open space meeting in the field of social service development. It happened that I worked together with Olena Mikitas and Svetlana Strelchuk. I found this opportunity very inspiring, we had high play and high learning and it was fun.

We practiced the "classical" design: half day / full day / half day (Action Planing). We had 84 participants, 24 issues posted at day one, 2 additional issues posted (in red) on day two, 22 reports handed in and 18 projects worked on in the Action Planing.

We worked in the 3rd floor of a huge youth palace, a gym. The renovation was just finished but far not over. Regardless to the intense cleaning the day before the event, the dirt of the renovation was all over the place. And in one corner we had a huge scaffolding. The whole atmosphere was very much in line with open space which can be seen as the construction sight of our lives.

Working with Olena and Svetlana was not only easy going and very relaxing for me as the facilitator. Both of them brought an special Ukrainian favour to the event that I could never have create on my own. The highlight was the Ukrainian - German facilitation duet during the Action Planing. Olena did the morning news, I did the Reading, Olena did the transition, I invited people to announce their projects, Olena introduced the planning session, I did the presentation and the closing circle. This division of labor had a huge amount of diversity: german - ukrainian, male - female, local - foreign, with glasses and without... It worked out very well and is maybe an important break through for the future.

The real kicker was the temperature. On day one and two we almost had 40 degree. And the room had large windows and no air conditioner. Most of the people perceived this very calm. The good news is that the meeting room is just a few steps away from the river Dniepr. And we had a good time on the beach every evening. Actually, whenever somebody has to facilitate an open space in Kherson: this is a very good spot to do it.

take care

When I came back from Kherson to Kyiv I met just by chance Lada a some of her friends. All of us were looking for a dining place. It happened that we decided to stay together and it was a marvelous evening in a little outdoor restaurant downtown in Kyiv. Perfect timing without any kind of planing :-) open space?

Jo Toepfer, boscop eg
Dolziger Str. 40, 10247 Berlin
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