Eva, congratulations for your courage and many thanks for inspiration you gave 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Eva P Svensson 
  To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu 
  Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2005 6:29 PM
  Subject: A report from a taster of OST in 1,5 hours - long!

  This is a report from my "taster of OST in 1, 5 h with a lot of people"


  The background was that I had been given the opportunity to hold breakfast 
meetings to present OST as a taster around the topic about "How to create 
commitment in your organizations". The participants were managers from 
different companies. The sponsors was a union for managers (yes you read it 
right - we do have that in Sweden :) ) and a Swedish Business School. When the 
invitation was sent out they where kind of overloaded with people signing up 
for the event. And as the location was kind of a given - we decided to have 
both breakfast and lunch meeting. There were between 24 to 75 people in total 6 
meetings in 3 days in the 3 major cities in Sweden! In total 274 people who had 
a taster of OST for the first time! 


  We send out written information about OST to the participants beforehand so 
that they had a chance to learn a little bit more before the workshops. The 
information was about what is Open Space Technology - explaining the 
principles, the law, that the participants create the agenda, when to use OST 
etc. This information was also available at the workshop when the participants 
arrived together with some of Harrison's books, a folder of OST that I had made 
up and an "OST quiz" - an idea I got from the list - (thanks Edward!).


  Theme: How to create commitment and participation - welcome to a taste of OST!


  The Givens:

  I had this printed up in the room: 

  * We are not solving the topic about commitment here today in 1,5 h...

  * This is a taster

  * Would like to give you an experience

  * I was available after for answering questions etc


  And this is how it went:

  I had kind of a "normal" opening - but shorter than I am used to - didn't 
tell so much about the background of OST as I use to do. Then the agenda 
setting was quite short and the marketplace "buzz" even shorter. All this 3 
done in 30 minutes. In the time matrix there was of course only one breakout 
session but I made it visible how it could have been by putting up "empty" 
post-it notes besides the actual one. Then we had one 35 min breakout session. 
Reports were made on flipcharts paper, and put up on the news wall. Then back 
to the collective circle were I had put up a flipchart paper with "what could 
you achieve if you had; 4 hours - 1 day, 1, 5 day, 2, 5 days of OST". And then 
I talked a little about the role of the facilitator.

  Closing circle - with a question from me "what have you noticed for yourself 
here today about commitment" - very briefly. 

  After that we did a short reflection of the process looking into the Medicine 
wheel - Leadership, vision, community and management.

  Everything within the 90 minutes OK,  + 5 min at the most in one workshop. 


  When I planned this my first intention was to have 2 even shorter breakout 
sessions but I am glad that I choose to have just one. In this format they had 
the chance to have some dialogues and many commented in the closing circle that 
they were very surprised how far they could get in such short time. And that 
they had got good suggestions and were much energized to go back to their 


  Many of the comments was "great method", "I will throw away the agenda in my 
ordinary meetings", "this I will definitely go home and practice on my own 
group", "it was so nice to be able to choose to use my free will" "since we all 
choose were to go - we went directly to the issue" etc etc. i.e. very positive 
feedback. Some thought of course that it was too short but that they were very 
positive and some said "we had done it all wrong back home when we appointed 
members to our project teams - we shall not appoint - they shall choose!" 


  I think that the freedom of choice was one of their biggest experience and an 
unforgettable learning. 


  For myself - I found it a big challenge to have 2 OST meetings so close to 
each other - just 1,5 hours between breakfast and lunch - I had problem knowing 
when I said what,  like "have I already said that now or was it in the 
breakfast meeting?". Time was of course too short - and of course should we 
have had more time for the agenda setting - with 75 people not knowing each 
other you definitely need more than 10 minutes! So there was between 6 to 10 
topics posted. And the smaller the group - the more topics. 


  Should I do it again - definitely but I would think it over one more time 
having two in one day with just 1,5 hours in between J



  Thanks a million to you all - for all the support, feedback, suggestions, 
interest - and for holding space for me on this journey!




  P. S when I tell people about our list - the support, help and loving - they 
are just amazed!


  Bästa hälsningar


  Eva P Svensson

  EPS Human Invest AB

  "Verksamhetsutveckling genom människor skapar långsiktigt välmående företag 
och organisationer!"

  Anåsbergsvägen 22, 439 34  ONSALA

  Tfn: 0300-615 05, Mobil: 0706-89 85 50

  e...@epshumaninvest.se,  www.epshumaninvest.se



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