It feels a bit off to offer a followup question to Lisa's offline,
repeated comments to Jimmy but I have a question of clarification.

Do you think, Lisa, that a participant in an OS event should not offer
a workshop or speech within the context of the OS event?  To me, the
essence of open space IS offering one's work in the marketplace and if
one's work happens to be a speech or a desire to host a conversation
cafe or a world cafe, then put it in the marketplace and see what

I do not think the process format of the breakout groups should be
specified, ever, by the OS facilitator but I do think it is OK for a
participant in an OS to specify a process for the session they

This discussion has me thinking about a question I have:  If person
'A' convenes a session on Topic 'Y', can/should person 'A' facilitate
the conversation and keep the topic focussed on the posted topic?  Can
person 'B' show up to 'A's' session, take the session off topic and
'hijack' the topic?  Well, yes, someone can hijack a session but is it
ok for convenor 'A' to say "I'd like to keep this discussion focussed
on the posted topic".

I know folks can do whatever they want in OS, as in life, but I
suspect that Jimmy's question actually stems not from a desire to
control but from a desire to give a topic convenor permission to hold
the session s/he wants to hold.

If I go to a topic on Playback Theater, I should not feel free, I
think, just because it is an OS event, to show up and talk about
poetry in Shakespeare's dramas.

Just thinking aloud.

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